
  • California green

    01 June 2007

    A new investment approach by two of California's largest ­pension funds could have more environmental impact than if the US were to join the Kyoto Protocol, say Christopher Murphy and Jonathan Naimon

  • On the front line

    01 June 2007

    Entergy's customer base will be among the first to feel the effects of climate change, so the US utility is moving fast to limit its greenhouse gas emissions. Christopher Cundy reports

  • Putting principles into practice

    01 June 2007

    Neil Daetwyler explains the evolution of the Equator Principles, and how project finance houses are putting them into practice

  • Sustainable banking goes commercial

    01 June 2007

    A year after the launch of the IFC's Performance Standards, banks are rising to the challenge they set, says Rachel Kyte

  • Investing responsibly

    01 June 2007

    One year after their launch, the UN Principles for Responsible Investment are now backed by investors managing $8 trillion. Rory Sullivan and Rachel Crossley consider how they are working in practice

  • Solar flair

    01 June 2007

    Marcel Brenninkmeijer's early backing of tomorrow's solar giants has reaped vast rewards. Christopher Cundy asks him what's over the horizon

  • Following the money

    01 June 2007

    Sustainability pledges – in both cash and commitments – are proliferating across the banking sector. But what does sustainability mean in practice? Jess McCabe reports

  • Not waiting for the kick-off

    01 June 2007

    The timing and nature of federal climate legislation may be exercising Capitol Hill but, on Wall Street, the jockeying for position in the US carbon market is well under way. Trevor Curwin reports

  • What's in your portfolio?

    01 May 2007

    US investors are beginning to wake up to the ­climate risks that may be lurking in their ­portfolios – and are calling on Congress to introduce some certainty on climate into the investment environment, says Mindy Lubber

  • Looking east

    01 May 2007

    Rabo India's Rajesh Srivastava is enthusiastic about the opportunities in renewable energy – and has a sustainable banking message for the region