Investment in renewables is in-line with Paris Agreement goals, says IEA
14 September 2016Investments in wind and solar power "are broadly on a trajectory consistent with limiting the increase in global temperature to 2C," according to the International Energy Agency (IEA).
Investors warned to challenge power plant cost assumptions
14 September 2016Investors should question outdated assumptions about technology costs, load factors and lifetimes for new coal and gas plants, says the Carbon Tracker Initiative.
Potential emissions from major companies fall, as investor pressure rises
28 July 2016Potential emissions from the reserves of the largest publicly-traded fossil fuel companies have fallen by 15% in the last year, amid mounting pressure from investors, according to a report from Fossil Free Indexes (FFI).
Carbon Tracker publishes investor checklist for engaging fossil fuel companies
22 July 2016UK-based NGO Carbon Tracker Initiative (CTI) has published a report with a three-point check list for investors who want to engage with fossil fuel companies.
Insurers lag pension funds when it comes to tackling climate change
21 July 2016The insurance sector is lagging behind pension funds when it comes to waking up to climate risk, a report has claimed.
INDCs to become 'significant' ratings driver, says Moody's
28 June 2016Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) will become key ratings drivers as countries enact and ratify the landmark Paris climate agreement, according to a report by Moody's.
Northern Trust mulls low-carbon smart-beta product
22 June 2016Northern Trust is considering launching a low-carbon smart-beta strategy, Environmental Finance has learned.
Cement companies earnings' at risk from carbon price, says CDP
09 June 2016The 12 largest cement companies in the world may lose up to $4.9 billion of earnings before interest and tax (EBIT) at a "low" carbon price of $10, according to report by CDP.
Winners of Environmental Finance's Voluntary Carbon Market Rankings see lower prices but remain bullish
06 June 2016Despite another year of low prices, optimism remains high in the voluntary carbon market, according to Environmental Finance's annual survey.
EF BRIEFS: Gaelectric, Massachusetts, Mercer, RGGI
06 June 2016Renewable energy firm Gaelectric has reached agreement with Nord/LB on £67 million ($97 million) of senior debt that ensures financial close on a portfolio of five UK wind farms.