
  • $35bn to grow Korean renewables

    14 October 2010

    South Korea will invest 40 trillion won ($35.4 billion) over five years to support renewable energy development, with funding from the public and private sector.

  • Wind farm finance needs institutional investors – E.ON

    14 October 2010

    More institutional investors are needed in wind power projects if the EU is to meet its ambitious target of generating 20% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020, said Mike Lewis, managing director Europe at E.ON Climate & Renewables.

  • Cast your vote in the Environmental Finance market survey

    13 October 2010

    Voting has opened in the annual Environmental Finance and Carbon Finance market survey – the most closely watched survey of the world's environmental markets.

  • People moves

    10 October 2010

    The latest appointments at The World Bank, Zouk Ventures, Aegon, BlueNext, Jefferies and more

  • Lame ducks unlikely to rescue renewables, pollutant trading – IETA

    07 October 2010

    Action on a federal renewable electricity standard (RES) and a legislative fix for the troubled US emissions markets will likely have to wait until the next Congress, according to US point man for the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA).

  • Re-wiring Britain for low-carbon future will cost £32bn – Ofgem

    07 October 2010

    Britain will need to spend £32 billion ($51 billion) re-wiring and piping its electricity and natural gas transmission network in the next 10 years, as part of efforts to decarbonise the country's energy system, according to regulator Ofgem.

  • Clean-tech investment drops 30% while China ups market share

    07 October 2010

    Global venture capital investment in clean technology in July to September fell 30% from the previous quarter, as economic recovery doubts resurfaced and the solar sector waned, an analyst report says.

  • US looks to stem flow of e-waste to developing countries

    07 October 2010

    Dumping electronic waste (e-waste) in developing countries could be banned in the US, if a bill put forward in the country's House of Representatives gains traction.

  • Losses narrow as Clipper looks to investor bailout

    07 October 2010

    US wind turbine manufacturer Clipper Windpower has reported a net third-quarter loss of $26.7 million, narrowing its $120.2 million loss in the same period last year.

  • RWE launches renewables venture capital fund

    07 October 2010

    The renewables division of German power giant RWE has launched a €75 million ($105 million) venture capital fund to invest in renewable energy technologies.