
  • National Grid earmarks £22bn for clean energy infrastructure

    27 May 2010

    National Grid, one of the largest investor-owned utilities in the world, is planning a major increase in capital expenditure over the next five years to enable it to deal with a sharp rise in low-carbon energy sources.

  • Bank financing of nuclear power exposed on NGO site

    27 May 2010

    Banks are coming under pressure for financing the nuclear power sector, with a group of NGOs launching a website which names the top 10 "nuclear banks".

  • Investors, forest peoples in talks over forest finance

    27 May 2010

    Investors met with forest-dependent peoples in London this week, for "non-confrontational" discussions around controversial forest financing plans.

  • CDM investments plummet 59% – World Bank

    27 May 2010

    Investment in Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) projects fell 59% last year, said the World Bank yesterday.

  • Companies ignoring biodiversity risk, finds PwC

    27 May 2010

    Only six of the world's 100 largest companies are acting to minimise their impact on biodiversity, according to analysis by consultancy PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC).

  • Environmental insurers see silver lining from Gulf spill

    27 May 2010

    The Gulf of Mexico oil disaster is projected to be a sizeable insurance event, but could also be the largest non-insured business interruption loss in US history, one insurer has predicted, potentially leading to a surge of new environmental insurance purchases to plug coverage gaps.

  • Tailwind drops for US wind energy sector

    27 May 2010

    The US wind sector will have a hard time expanding in 2010, highlighting the need for new government policies to support renewables such as a national renewable electricity standard (RES), according to a study.

  • EC lays out 30% reduction options

    27 May 2010

    The European Commission yesterday published its official analysis of how the EU could increase its 2020 emissions reduction target to 30% – raising the possibility of reducing the number of allowances to be auctioned and introducing a multiplier for offset credits.

  • Tony Blair takes Khosla shilling

    27 May 2010

    Former UK prime minister Tony Blair has joined California venture capital (VC) firm Khosla Ventures.

  • JPMorgan Chase sets out mountaintop removal policy

    20 May 2010

    JPMorgan Chase has joined the ranks of banks with policies on mountaintop removal (MTR), but not in time to avoid a failing grade on a 'rank 'em and spank 'em' scorecard by Rainforest Action Network (RAN).