
  • Sustainability: to regulate or not to regulate?

    05 December 2019

    Financial regulation has a role to play in tackling climate change, but it cannot be a silver bullet. So the time has come for policymakers to step up their game, delegates at the Insurance and Climate Risk conference heard. Vincent Huck reports

  • Spurring sustainable investments with capital charges

    23 September 2019

    As sustainability makes its way into regulation, the question of capital charges punishing 'brown' investments or incentivising 'green' investments has come to the fore. While regulators are asking for risk-based evidence, stakeholders are not all in agreement on how to proceed. Vincent Huck reports

  • Stormy weather cost German insurers $3bn in 2018

    07 January 2019

    Storms and heavy rain cost Germany’s property and casualty (P&C) insurers €2.7 billion ($3 billion) in insured losses for 2018, according to the German Insurance Association (GDV).

  • 73% of German insurers' investments are 'sustainable'

    27 June 2018

    Almost half want to make more ESG allocations