French financial firms must draw on coal lessons for fossil fuel policies, say regulators
26 October 2021French regulators have encouraged financial firms to draw lessons from their thermal coal policies for other fossil fuel sectors in order to align with the goals of the Paris Agreement...
Total secures shareholder backing for controversial climate strategy
28 May 2021 -
AMF study identifies weaknesses in French institutions' TCFD reports
05 January 2021Financial institutions continue to struggle to report decision-useful information on how their overall strategy responds to climate change, according to an analysis of French financial institutions' Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) reports.
News round-up: US sustainable investment boom, human rights disclosure fail, CIP, and more...
16 November 2020 -
PRI ejects first five signatories for failing minimum standards
29 September 2020The UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) has for the first time booted out five signatories for failing to meet the minimum requirements, with a further 15 signatories at risk of being delisted in 2021.
ACPR: Banks need to incorporate climate into risk management framework
26 May 2020The French Prudential Supervision and Resolution Authority (ACPR) has published a guide to good practices in governance and climate risk management for the banking industry.
Bonds round-up: ICBC, Banque Postale, ABN Amro, ERG, Yorkshire Water, Woolworths, Shinhan Bank, IADB, Chile, Otto, Arizona State University, NYC Housing, OPIC, Nomura, Trianon
17 April 2019La Banque Postale has issued its first green bond, raising €750 million ($849 million).
French regulator calls for ‘green and brown’ taxonomy
12 April 2019France’s financial regulator has called for the rapid introduction of a formal definition of investments that are beneficial or detrimental to the environment – a so-called taxonomy of ‘green’ and ‘brown’ assets.
French funds dominate top 10 European funds for climate performance
19 February 2019French funds dominate a list of the top ten European equity funds for climate performance.
First green-certified commercial real estate loan to build Paris towers
09 March 2018A commercial real estate loan that will help build hotel and office space in Paris has become the first to be certified as green and provide an accompanying external second party opinion.