
  • ISS expands ESG offering with Oekom acquisition

    15 March 2018

    Institutional Shareholder Services (ISS) has continued to build out its capabilities in the environmental, social and governance (ESG) data arena, with the acquisition of Oekom Research, arguably the last of the independent second party opinion providers in the green bond market.

  • "Poor" climate risk practice puts pensions at risk, claims report

    06 March 2018

    Millions of pension savers in the UK are at risk of significant losses due to lack of action from pension providers and their regulator on climate risk, a report has claimed.

  • Allianz, KB Financial and Westpac named sustainability leaders

    06 February 2018

    German insurer Allianz, Korean bank KB Financial and Australia's Westpac Banking Corp are the top financial sector performers in terms of corporate sustainability, according to Swiss asset manager RobecoSAM.

  • Trucost warns of potential hit to corporate profits from Paris Agreement

    18 January 2018

    New policies and taxes aimed at helping countries meet the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change "could lead to significant losses" for many companies, according to Trucost.

  • ESG sector needs more simple data and definitions, says Northern Trust

    17 January 2018

    Environmental, social and governance (ESG) data and metrics must be simplified to reflect the increasing importance of these factors for investors, according to Northern Trust Asset Management.

  • £100m UK sustainability fund looks to seize Brexit opportunity

    27 November 2017

    A fund aiming to invest £100 million ($134 million) in UK sustainability projects has been launched to try to exploit post-Brexit opportunity in the country, with backing from the co-founder of Hargreaves Lansdown.

  • US SIF issues five-step sustainable investment plan for DC pension sponsors

    17 August 2017

    Recommendations to help pension plan sponsors include sustainable investments in defined contribution (DC) retirement plans have been issued by US SIF.

  • US asset owners are waking up to climate change

    31 July 2017

    There is increasing evidence that US investors are factoring climate change into their investment decisions, argues Meg Voorhes

  • Sustainable finance experts call for European standard for green bonds

    14 July 2017

    An official European standard and label for green bonds should be developed, according to the High-Level Expert Group (HLEG) on Sustainable Finance, appointed by the European Commission.

  • The legal risks of reporting climate risks

    27 June 2017

    The Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures' recommendations were widely welcomed by the market. But are there legal risks attached to their implementation, asks Hamza Ali