
  • People Moves: EEM, Neuberger, Putnam

    05 May 2017

    Adrian Rimmer has left his position of CEO of carbon markets exchange European Environmental Markets (EEM) to focus on his other business interests and projects.

  • Green bond round-up, 3 May 2017

    03 May 2017

    Bank of Beijing has issued a RMB15 billion ($2.2 billion) green bond, the largest from a Chinese entity so far this year.

  • Green bond round-up, 26 April 2017

    26 April 2017

    Kaiser Foundation Hospitals, a subsidiary of California-based health provider Kaiser Permanente, is gearing up to issue its inaugural green bond.

  • Exxon board fights climate resolution

    25 April 2017

    ExxonMobil's board has refused to support a climate change resolution backed by investors with over $10 trillion in assets under management (AUM).

  • ESG is correlated to performance in fixed income, study finds

    19 April 2017

    There is a clear correlation between environmental, social and governance data and credit default swap spreads and credit ratings, research has found, although neither fully price-in the risks implied by this data.

  • Introducing the Principles for Positive Impact Finance

    19 April 2017

    The Principles have been designed to help meet the ambitious Sustainable Development Goals. But how will they be implemented? Peter Cripps reports

  • Investors start to weigh water risks

    18 April 2017

    Investor interest in corporate water risk is increasing fast. A range of tools and services are being developed to help companies respond. Graham Cooper reports

  • Green bonds round up, 22 March 2017

    22 March 2017

    French rail operator SNCF Reseau is gearing up to issue its second green bond.

  • Financiers praise 'Positive Impact' Principles

    30 January 2017

    The Principles for Positive Impact Finance were hailed as "an important step in ... overcoming the funding gap for sustainable development" at their launch today in Paris.

  • Investors' fiduciary duty includes 'transition to low-carbon economy'

    26 January 2017

    Supporting the transition to a low-carbon economy is part of an investor's fiduciary duty, according to a new report that calls for 'more forceful' advocacy on climate change from financiers.