
  • Physical climate risk disclosure initiatives still lacking, says WRI

    16 February 2021

    Climate risk disclosure initiatives are still lacking in their coverage of several key physical risks, according to a report by the World Resources Institute (WRI), resulting in firms not being fully equipped to assess their exposure to these hazards.

  • Reporting organisations invite EU, IFRS collaboration

    13 January 2021

    Five organisations working to create a globally accepted comprehensive corporate reporting system have invited the EU and the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) Foundation to contribute to their work on harmonisation.

  • 'Double materiality' splits market in IFRS sustainability standards consultation

    07 January 2021
  • Asset manager taskforce calls on bondholders to assert their rights

    24 November 2020

    A UK government-initiated taskforce has announced recommendations to strengthen sustainable stewardship in the UK investment industry, including encouraging investors to assert their rights in the bond and private markets.

  • Only a matter of time' before TCFD becomes mandatory in UK, says BofE

    20 October 2020

    Bank of England (BofE) markets executive director Andrew Hauser said you can "reasonably expect" adoption of recommendations outlined by the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) to become mandatory in the UK.

  • Bloomberg launches its own 'fully transparent' ESG scores

    11 August 2020

    Bloomberg has launched proprietary, company-level environmental, social and governance (ESG) scores, marking a significant expansion of the sustainability data available on its terminals.

  • SASB and GRI announce sustainability disclosure collaboration

    14 July 2020

    The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) have announced a collaboration to show how their two standards can be used together to help ease the reporting burden.

  • Stock market analysis shows 'flatlining' company disclosure rates

    27 January 2020

    The number of companies disclosing greenhouse gas (GHG) emission data has failed to increase, according to a report by Aviva and Canadian research company Corporate Knights.

  • Framework for SDG disclosures unveiled by accounting bodies

    17 January 2020

    Broad recommendations for disclosures based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have been billed as "a new approach to address sustainable development issues".

  • CalPERS throws its weight behind US ESG disclosure proposals

    16 July 2019

    The largest public pension fund in the US has backed proposals that would require every public company in the US to disclose its exposure to environmental, social and governance (ESG) risks.