
  • People Moves: IDDRI, Gold Standard, GIIN

    13 April 2017

    David Levai has replaced Thomas Spencer as director of energy and climate at the Institute of Sustainable Development and International Relations' (IDDRI).

  • Conservation finance lender gets EU backing

    11 April 2017

    The EU's natural capital lending facility has made its first loan, lending Rewilding Europe Capital (REC), a social enterprise established in 2014 that speicalises-conservation and re-wilding projects, €6 million ($6.27 million).

  • California carbon price jumps following judgment

    10 April 2017

    The price of carbon in California shot up 4% in a day following the state's Court of Appeal judgment that the floor price of the cap-and-trade programme auctions did not constitute a tax.

  • Kenya launches green bond programme

    04 April 2017

    Kenya has launched a green bond programme with an eye to see the country's first issue by November. The programme's objective is to grow capacity for green bond issuance in the country, establish a framework and standards, develop licensed verifiers and look to catalyse similar programmes across East Africa.

  • Scaling up the energy efficiency market

    03 April 2017

    Meeting the EU's ambitious 2030 target for energy efficiency improvements will require more private finance, better data and standardisation, reports Peter Cripps

  • Green bond roundup - 29 March 2017

    29 March 2017

    The Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA) has issued a AUD650 million ($495 million) green bond, its inaugural offering.

  • Shareholder engagement spurs AB InBev to commit to 100% renewables

    29 March 2017

    Anheuser-Busch (AB) InBev, the world's largest brewer, has signed up to the RE100 initiative, following extensive shareholder engagement.

  • Singapore's financial regulator launches green bond initiative

    27 March 2017

    Singapore has launched a green bond grant programme to help issuers pay the additional costs associated with obtaining an external review, in a bid to kickstart issuance from the state.

  • People Moves; Railpen, RCG, Convention on Biological Diversity

    24 March 2017

    RPMI Railpen has appointed Leo George as the new head of sustainable ownership, replacing Deborah Gilshan who has left the UK railway pension scheme to join Standard Life Investments' as a governance and stewardship director in the environmental, social and governance (ESG) team.

  • Green bonds round up, 22 March 2017

    22 March 2017

    French rail operator SNCF Reseau is gearing up to issue its second green bond.