EU non-financial reporting gets final go-ahead
29 September 2014The European Council has adopted a directive that will require large companies to disclose information on their environmental, social and governance (ESG) policies along with their main financial reports.
The PRI has reached critical mass, says Nasdaq
24 September 2014The Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) has reached critical mass, with the signatories having considerable influence over the behaviour of many listed companies, according to a new report from Nasdaq stock exchange.
Global investor coalition calls for ambitious climate deal
18 September 2014A coalition of some of the world's biggest investors has demanded an ambitious climate deal to help unlock the $1 trillion of investment needed to combat climate change.
Bond investors ponder fifty shades of green
12 August 2014Recent green bond issues have attracted mainstream as well as committed 'socially responsible' investors. But their views on what qualifies as 'green' can differ dramatically, as Graham Cooper reports
Sarasin restructures to reinforce its sustainability strategy
25 June 2014Swiss private bank J Safra Sarasin said it is restructuring "to fully embed the bank's sustainability ambitions in its core business strategy."
People moves
02 June 2014A round-up of recent moves in the industry, including key changes at Calvert Investments, Tau, Airsynergy and the PRI
Corporate green bond issuance to hit $20bn in 2014, predicts S&P
21 May 2014The value of corporate green bond issues is set to grow to $20 billion in 2014, a new report from Standard & Poor's has predicted.
UK's Green Investment Bank signs up to PRI
09 April 2014The UK's Green Investment Bank (GIB) has adopted the UN's Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI), which commits it to incorporating environmental, social and governance issues into its investment analysis.
Charles Anderson named new head of UNEP FI
24 February 2014Former Sovereign CEO Charles Anderson has been appointed the new head of the UN Environment Programme Finance Initiative (UNEP FI).
F&C sees ESG opportunity in wake of BMO deal
06 February 2014F&C said its planned acquisition by BMO Financial Group will allow it to increase its ambition for marketing its sustainability products, while it has made a new hire to help boost its coverage of Asian markets.