
  • Axa sets record with euro-denominated cat bond

    16 October 2013

    French insurance group Axa has issued the largest euro-denominated catastrophe bond to date.

  • Renewables: a hotspot for the weather risk market

    23 September 2013

    Requests for weather risk products from renewable energy developers and investors are mounting, providing market participants with long sought-after new demand. Elza Holmstedt Pell reports

  • Weather risk demand to rise as institutional investors buy renewables assets

    20 September 2013

    Weather risk products will increasingly be used to help European utilities selling their stakes in renewables assets to more risk-averse institutional investors, a conference heard.

  • RenRe Energy Advisors sold for 'mid double-digit million dollars'

    03 September 2013

    Munich Re is to pay a "mid double-digit million" dollar price to acquire RenRe Energy Advisors, a leading weather derivatives dealer, from Bermuda-based RenaissanceRe Holdings.

  • Floods leave insurers with $8bn of claims in H1

    22 August 2013

    This calendar year is already the second most expensive on record in terms of insured losses caused by floods, a report has claimed, after an estimated $8 billion of claims in the first-half.

  • Renewables sector to triple insurance spending by 2020 'to attract new investors'

    25 July 2013

    The renewables sector's spending on risk management products could surge by end of the decade as the industry seeks to unlock finance from risk-averse investors, a report has claimed.

  • Swiss Re stops 23 transactions on ESG grounds

    19 June 2013

    Swiss Re's latest corporate responsibility report has revealed the firm barred 23 deals last year on the grounds that they did not meet its sustainability risk framework.

  • Insurer launches weather risk desk

    11 June 2013

    Bermuda-based insurance firm Axis Capital Holdings has hired two veterans of the weather risk markets to launch its weather and commodity markets desk.