
  • EIB issues record-breaking €650m green bond

    12 July 2013

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) has issued a €650 million ($849.4 million) Climate Awareness Bond (CAB) – the largest ever green bond to be denominated in euros, and the first to use the EIB's ECoop framework.

  • First UK solar fund IPO marks 'pivotal moment' for sector

    12 July 2013

    A UK solar photovoltaic (PV) investment fund has raised £130 million ($196.5 million) through a successful stock market flotation, in a move that marks a "pivotal moment in the growth of large-scale UK solar".

  • BASF calls for standardised environmental accounting methodology

    10 July 2013

    Chemicals giant BASF has thrown its weight behind calls for a standardised methodology for companies to develop environmental profit and loss (EP&L) accounts, Environmental Finance has learned.

  • Making clean-tech pay

    10 July 2013

    Times are tough for clean-tech investors, but Chrysalix can claim to be outshining many of its rivals. The venture capital firm's head Wal van Lierop talks to Felicity Carus

  • £40m IPO plan for renewables firm

    08 July 2013

    A carbon market veteran is planning a £40 million ($61.4 million) flotation of a renewable energy venture.

  • People moves, June

    28 June 2013

    The latest environmental markets appointments at the Green Climate Fund, International Finance Corporation, Sarasin Bank, Roth Capital Partners, UNEP Finance Initiative, and more.

  • Renewables fund plans £300m London listing

    28 June 2013

    A renewables fund has outlined plans to list on the London Stock Exchange in a further sign that stockmarkets are becoming an increasingly attractive source of capital to developers.

  • US investment manager offers carbon-neutral fund

    25 June 2013

    A US investment manager is to make one of its funds carbon-neutral by purchasing emission offset credits from projects that generate electricity from methane captured at landfill sites.

  • Third-party solar firm wins over major bank in fundraising

    25 June 2013

    A company that installs solar panels on homes in the US has won financing to fund the purchase of more than $630 million worth of projects.

  • UNEP FI names two new co-chairs

    25 June 2013

    Madeleine Ronquest, head of environmental and social risk management at FirstRand Group, and David Pitt-Watson, senior strategic advisor at Inflection Point Capital Management, have been appointed co-chairs of the UNEP Finance Initiative.