
  • Menhaden Capital gets IPO away and awards mandate to Wheb

    03 August 2015

    Resource efficiency fund Menhaden Capital, which got its IPO away on Friday, has awarded a segregated mandate to Wheb Asset Management.

  • EAPF names sustainable equity mandate winners after extensive search

    02 July 2015

    The UK's Environment Agency pension fund (EAPF) has selected four asset managers for its global sustainability equity mandate after a wide-ranging search.

  • UK renewables reach important – but modest – milestone

    07 July 2014

    As the UK's share of electricity generated from renewable sources approaches 20%, Seb Beloe hails the achievement, but says there is much further to go.

  • Profile: Henderson Global Care Growth Fund

    15 May 2014

    Henderson's sustainability themed fund easily beat its benchmark over the past year. Peter Cripps learns about its investment philiosophy – and why it tends to pick energy efficiency over renewables.

  • WHEB Asset Management positive on outlook for LED stocks

    23 July 2013

    An asset manager has highlighted a number of stocks it believes are best placed to benefit from the projected rapid growth of energy efficient light emitting diodes.

  • Have solar stocks finally turned a corner?

    25 June 2013

    Many solar stocks have enjoyed a stellar start to 2013, with some having tripled in value. Could a brighter future for the long-suffering sector finally be in sight, asks Peter Cripps