Boom time for green bond funds
04 March 2020Green bond funds reported sizeable assets growth in 2019, Ahren Lester explains, as the green bond market benefitted from rising market credibility and the arrival of ubiquitous corporate names.
Green bonds: Assessing the external reviewers
26 February 2020Sustainalytics continued to dominate the market for external reviewers in 2019, writes Christopher Marchant
Q&A - reflections of a green bond pioneer
19 February 2020In February 2010, while CIO at Nikko Asset Management, Stuart Kinnersley* established the world's first dedicated green bond fund - the Nikko/World Bank Green Bond Fund. 10 years on, he answers questions about the subsequent developments in this space and his hopes for the coming decade.
Treasurers call for help to overcome ESG bond nervousness
17 February 2020Ongoing nerves among corporate treasurers about issuing green, social and sustainability bonds could be settled by helpful engagement with fixed income investors. Ahren Lester hears the views of the Association of Corporate Treasurers.
Green bond comment, February 2020: The EU's Ecolabel
05 February 2020The EU's Ecolabel and green bonds are an imprecise match, says Peter Cripps
Target setting in sustainability-linked loans: ambition, not afterthought
13 January 2020To protect the integrity of the sustainability-linked loan market, we need to ensure sustainability performance targets are negotiated and not tendered, argues Daniel Shurey
Green Bond Comment January 2020: Towards the first trillion
09 January 2020Issuance of green, social and sustainability bonds surged about 40% in 2019, with combined issuance reaching $290 billion, according to preliminary data from Environmental Finance's Bond Database.
In defence of Enel's SDG-linked bond
06 December 2019Meeting the European Commission's sustainability objectives requires innovation, argues Jacob Michaelsen
Green bond comment December: It's time for a CA100+ for sovereigns
04 December 2019Bond investors need to start collectively engaging with national governments if the Paris targets are to be met, argues Peter Cripps
Sustainability-linked bonds complement and bolster the sustainable finance market
08 November 2019Sustainability-linked bonds have the potential to entice issuers, diversify economic options available to investors, and encourage outcome-focused sustainable finance, argue Aaron Franklin, Paul Davies, Ignacio Domínguez and Kristina Wyatt.