Spurring sustainable investments with capital charges
23 September 2019As sustainability makes its way into regulation, the question of capital charges punishing 'brown' investments or incentivising 'green' investments has come to the fore. While regulators are asking for risk-based evidence, stakeholders are not all in agreement on how to proceed. Vincent Huck reports
Monoline-wrapped renewables project financing could be a game-changer
20 September 2019The application of insurance-wrapped debt to renewable-energy project financing is likely to emerge as a valuable addition to the green capital markets toolkit, writes Keith Mullin
Major US insurer stops investing in or insuring coal
09 August 2019Chubb's decision reflects the increasing risks in the coal sector as a result of efforts to tackle climate change, argues Dave Jones
Australia's regulator talks TCFD
10 July 2019Geoff Summerhayes of the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority (APRA) tells Elena K. Johansson how it will deal with climate risk and integrate the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) guidelines.
Japanese insurers get to grips with ESG
28 March 2019Three major Japanese insurers – Tokio Marine Group, MS&AD Insurance Group, and Nippon Life Insurance – are beginning to integrate climate risks and environmental, social and governance (ESG) factors into their strategies, each with its own focus area. Elena K. Johansson reports.
Using innovation to close the climate protection gap
26 February 2019Creating new and inclusive insurance markets can help communities become more resilient to natural disasters, argues Hector Ibarra
Japan's regulator engages financial players on climate risk
12 February 2019Japan's Financial Services Agency is stepping up its focus on climate risk and is increasingly engaging with firms on the issue. Hiroshi Ota and Satoshi Ikeda explain why to Elena K. Johansson
Cat bond market: Tried and tested
17 December 2018The cat bond market hit fresh highs in 2018 despite a spate of catastrophes
Focus on climate risk boosts demand for weather hedging
17 December 2018An increasing focus on climate-related risks has become a significant driver of demand for financial products offering protection against adverse weather conditions, poll winners tell Graham Cooper.
Q&A with Aviva's Maurice Tulloch on Insurance and Climate Risk
24 September 2018To coincide with our Insurance & Climate Risk Americas conference, Environmental Finance conducted a Q&A interview with keynote speaker Maurice Tulloch, CEO, international insurance, at Aviva.