
  • Stranded assets: approaching a tipping point?

    16 September 2013

    The concept of 'unburnable carbon' is still relatively new, but there are encouraging signs that fossil fuel-based companies are starting to pay attention, argues Julie Gorte

  • Reasons for hope?

    24 June 2013

    On the face of it, there's plenty to be pessimistic about in the environmental markets at the moment.

  • Stranded assets alert

    17 June 2013

    Nicholas Stern has warned that many oil and gas and mining companies may be overvalued, in a 'bubble' that would threaten the security of global financial markets. Peter Cripps and Katie Kouchakji report

  • The limits of engagement

    18 July 2012

    Julie Taylor Mills looks back at more than a decade of SRI analysis and shareholder activism – and finds little to show for efforts to improve corporate sustainability

  • Broadsides from the back benches

    21 June 2011

    As chairman of an influential parliamentary committee, veteran Tory MP Tim Yeo has proved an effective critic of UK climate policy. He talks electricity market reform and emissions with Mark Nicholls

  • Can the Equator Principles tackle climate change?

    24 May 2011

    The Equator Principles have transformed how the financial sector manages local environmental and social impacts – but can they transform its approach to climate risk? Jon Sohn and Kristen Miller consider the challenges