Measuring the financial consequences of climate transition
13 March 2023Joseph Noss looks at why backward-looking emissions reporting provides no guarantee of reducing exposure to transition risk
How Canada laid the foundations for its transition taxonomy
07 March 2023A project to develop a list of transition activities is set to grow, Barbara Zvan and Jonathan Arnold tell Michael Hurley
Explainer: The Transition Pathway Initiative
21 February 2023The TPI has emerged as a key investor tool for assessing transition risk, write Rory Sullivan and Valentin Jahn
BP's backtrack is a crucial moment for the say-on-climate movement
17 February 2023After taking the lead for oil companies on climate action, BP has quietly backtracked to take advantage of higher petrol prices. Matt Crossman asks if they've promised to run an Ironman before signing up for a proverbial parkrun
Assessing the relative transition readiness of real estate sectors
03 February 2023There are significant differences in levels of transition readiness across the real estate sector, argues Matt Soffair, and owners of highly sustainable buildings may benefit from a 'scarcity premium'
Calls for the ISSB to place greater focus on transition
02 February 2023Some investors argue the International Sustainability Standards Board needs to place the transition to a net zero economy at the heart of its forthcoming standards. Michael Hurley reports
How the EBRD is going Paris aligned
24 January 2023The decision will change climate considerations in finance on three continents, writes Dana Kupova
Three themes that need to be on the agenda in 2023
09 January 2023Transition, blended finance and adaptation must move up investors' agendas in 2023, writes Peter Cripps
Addressing the adaptation finance gap
20 December 2022The costs associated with climate change are already here and rising fast. A more granular picture of physical climate risk and its economic impact should be used to scale adaption finance today, argues Florian Gallo
Navigating net zero
14 December 2022Investors have a key role to play if the economy is to transition to net zero emissions by 2050. But how can they assess the credibility of transition strategies, asks Peter Cripps