
  • Zurich invests €100m in local German sustainability bond

    26 January 2017

    Zurich Insurance Group's German operation has invested €100 million ($107 million) in 'sustainability bonds' issued by the province of North Rhine-Westphalia.

  • EF BRIEFS: Repower; Inspired Evolution; Burj Capital; Forest expansion

    25 January 2017

    Swiss renewable energy company Repower has issued two green Schuldscheine, totalling €50 million, ($54 million) to refinance part of its project portfolio. They are said to be the first such instruments from a Swiss company.

  • Australian banks shine in RobecoSAM ratings

    24 January 2017

    Just six financial institutions have been awarded 'gold stars' in RobecoSAM's 2017 Sustainability Yearbook, and three of them were Australian banks.

  • FRR awards €5 billion ESG mandates

    24 January 2017

    French pension fund Fonds de Reserve pour les Retraites (FRR) has selected three asset managers to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) considerations into its €5 billion ($5.4 bllion) socially responsible equity strategy.

  • Californian insurers' $521bn in fossil fuel assets revealed

    24 January 2017

    Insurers operating in California have $521bn invested in fossil fuel-related securities, according to the state's insurance commissioner Dave Jones.

  • Pimco launches global ESG investment platform

    19 January 2017

    Asset manager Pimco has launched a dedicated environmental, social and governance (ESG) global investment platform, offering a range of fixed-income solutions to investors.

  • SDGs could create $12 trillion of additional value, say business chiefs

    17 January 2017

    Aligning business models with the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) could yield economic opportunities worth $12 trillion a year by 2030, according to an international group of CEOs and civil society leaders.

  • GRI teams up with IIRC on integrated reporting

    16 January 2017

    The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) have teamed-up, in a move designed to harmonise their sustainable reporting models.

  • MSCI lists 6 key ESG trends for 2017

    16 January 2017

    Index provider MSCI has identified six key environmental social and governance (ESG) trends that investors should watch out for in 2017.

  • NN IP mulls ESG scoring for infrastructure investments

    13 January 2017

    NN Investment Partners (IP) is considering scoring its infrastructure investments on their environmental, social and governance (ESG) credentials.