GRI teams up with IIRC on integrated reporting
16 January 2017The Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC) have teamed-up, in a move designed to harmonise their sustainable reporting models.
MSCI lists 6 key ESG trends for 2017
16 January 2017Index provider MSCI has identified six key environmental social and governance (ESG) trends that investors should watch out for in 2017.
NN IP mulls ESG scoring for infrastructure investments
13 January 2017NN Investment Partners (IP) is considering scoring its infrastructure investments on their environmental, social and governance (ESG) credentials.
Environmental concerns dominate WEF's risk report
11 January 2017Environmental concerns are "more prominent than ever" in the annual catalogue of risks threatening the world, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF).
Green bonds round-up
04 January 2017Chinese property company Modern Land has issued a $150 million tap of its inaugural green bond.
Pension fund licenses two ESG indexes
04 January 2017Two new environmental, social and governance (ESG) indexes have been licensed to a pension fund.
GRI appoints new chief executive
20 December 2016GRI, formerly known as the Global Reporting Initiative, has appointed Timothy Mohin as its new chief executive.
NNIP launches multi-asset sustainability fund
19 December 2016Dutch investor NN Investment Partners (IP) has launched a €100 million ($105 million) multi-asset sustainability fund.
Axa IM awarded €124m fixed income ESG mandate
19 December 2016Axa Investment Management (IM) has been awarded a €124 million ($130 million) fixed income environmental, social and governance (ESG) mandate by Japanese insurer Nippon Life.
TCFD Reaction: 'Turning point for climate disclosure'
14 December 2016The launch of TCFD's recommendations were today hailed as a landmark moment for investors campaigning to have climate considerations integrated into mainstream reporting.