
  • Morgan Stanley offers clients more sustainable investment options

    17 September 2014

    Morgan Stanley Wealth Management has added two sustainable investing portfolios to its range of managed accounts.

  • Housing association issues £150m green bond based on ESG performance

    12 September 2014

    A UK housing association has this week launched the first labelled green bond from the public housing sector.

  • IFC to issue first retail green bond

    12 September 2014

    The World Bank's IFC plans to close a green bond on Monday, in a new type of issue designed for retail clients.

  • Agence Française de Développement issues inaugural benchmark green bond

    12 September 2014

    The 10-year offering – the development agency's first green bond – is reported to have a coupon of 1.375%. AFD has a AA rating from Standard & Poor's.

  • German bank to launch 'sustainable' covered bonds

    10 September 2014

    German bank Munchener Hypothekenbank (MunchenerHyp) is preparing to launch a €300 million ($388 million) issue of sustainable covered bonds, or Pfandbriefe, later this month.

  • Massachusetts to revisit green bond market with $250m issue

    09 September 2014

    The state of Massachusetts plans to issue $250 million of green bonds next week, its second such issue after a $100 million transaction in June 2013.

  • EIB issues 'landmark' €500m 12-year green bond

    04 September 2014

    The European Investment Bank has launched a "landmark" €500 million green bond, which has a 12-year tenor and could help open the market for longer-dated paper in the space.

  • EIB plans new euro Climate Awareness Bond [updated]

    04 September 2014

    The European Investment Bank (EIB) has issued a new euro-denominated benchmark green bond, this time with a 12-year tenor.

  • Arise raises SEK350m in second green bond

    01 September 2014

    Swedish wind farm developer Arise has issued an SEK350 million ($50.5 million) green bond, refinancing an existing bond.

  • KPMG to start assuring green bonds

    28 August 2014

    Auditing giant KPMG plans to start assessing green bond issues, Environmental Finance has learnt.