Morgan Stanley offers clients more sustainable investment options
17 September 2014Morgan Stanley Wealth Management has added two sustainable investing portfolios to its range of managed accounts.
Housing association issues £150m green bond based on ESG performance
12 September 2014A UK housing association has this week launched the first labelled green bond from the public housing sector.
IFC to issue first retail green bond
12 September 2014The World Bank's IFC plans to close a green bond on Monday, in a new type of issue designed for retail clients.
Agence Française de Développement issues inaugural benchmark green bond
12 September 2014The 10-year offering – the development agency's first green bond – is reported to have a coupon of 1.375%. AFD has a AA rating from Standard & Poor's.
German bank to launch 'sustainable' covered bonds
10 September 2014German bank Munchener Hypothekenbank (MunchenerHyp) is preparing to launch a €300 million ($388 million) issue of sustainable covered bonds, or Pfandbriefe, later this month.
Massachusetts to revisit green bond market with $250m issue
09 September 2014The state of Massachusetts plans to issue $250 million of green bonds next week, its second such issue after a $100 million transaction in June 2013.
EIB issues 'landmark' €500m 12-year green bond
04 September 2014The European Investment Bank has launched a "landmark" €500 million green bond, which has a 12-year tenor and could help open the market for longer-dated paper in the space.
EIB plans new euro Climate Awareness Bond [updated]
04 September 2014The European Investment Bank (EIB) has issued a new euro-denominated benchmark green bond, this time with a 12-year tenor.
Arise raises SEK350m in second green bond
01 September 2014Swedish wind farm developer Arise has issued an SEK350 million ($50.5 million) green bond, refinancing an existing bond.
KPMG to start assuring green bonds
28 August 2014Auditing giant KPMG plans to start assessing green bond issues, Environmental Finance has learnt.