
  • CCC to manage Russell equity fund

    01 September 2009

    US-based Russell Investments has launched an equity fund that aims to outperform by "investing in a manager that takes high-conviction active positions in companies that are affected by climate change".

  • Investors' votes add climate pressure on companies

    27 August 2009

    Activist shareholders are seeing growing support from investors in US and Canadian companies for climate change-related resolutions, according to Ceres. One such climate vote at Idacorp, an Idaho-based utility, was the first time an environmental shareholder resolution has passed in 30 years, Ceres said.

  • Sugar-to-biofuels firm Amyris raises $25m

    26 August 2009

    California's Amyris Biotechnologies has raised $24.7m to pursue development of its technology to convert sugar cane into biofuels and useful chemicals.

  • Norway sovereign fund to focus on water risk

    20 August 2009

    Norway's $394 billion sovereign wealth fund has identified water supply as a risk to 11% of its portfolio – adding the issue to climate change and a number of social concerns on which it will pressure the companies in which it invests.

  • WM signs landmark deal for Chinese solid waste firm

    13 August 2009

    Waste Management (WM) will pursue waste-to-energy opportunities in China following its $140 million acquisition of a stake in Shanghai Environment Group (SEG) last week, believed to the single largest foreign investment in China's solid waste management sector.

  • Mercer to study green investments for hedge fund giant

    13 August 2009

    Leading hedge fund GLG Partners has asked consulting group Mercer to conduct a study into how the perceived need to tackle climate change and other environmental issues is impacting mainstream investing.

  • TMO raises £11m for bacterium-based ethanol technology

    12 August 2009

    TMO Renewables has raised £11m ($18m) from the sale of new shares to help fund the roll-out of its "second-generation ethanol" technology, the company said last week.

  • BAE partners with Lignol on cellulosic ethanol

    29 July 2009

    UK defence and aerospace giant BAE Systems has signed a memorandum of understanding with Canadian biorefiner Lignol Energy – including the possible financing of commercial-scale cellulosic ethanol projects.

  • Asian pension funds urged to lead on ESG – ADB

    23 July 2009

    Asia's public pension funds could "leapfrog" the West and become leaders on responsible investment, according to a report commissioned by the Asian Development Bank (ADB).

  • Chinese clean-tech fund aims to raise $350m

    23 July 2009

    A Chinese private equity firm is hoping to raise $350 million into US dollar and yuan-denominated funds over the next two years to invest in clean energy projects and companies.