ESG Data Guide 2023

Taking the temperature of net-zero commitments

Environmental Finance: What is the thinking behind the development of MSCI’s Implied Temperature Rise [ITR] assessment? 

Edward AllenEdward Allen: Financial institutions are increasingly making net-zero commitments that involve aligning their lending and investing with net-zero emissions by 2050. For instance, around 500 institutions have joined the Glasgow Financial Alliance for Net Zero. This represents a reshaping of the way that the financial system thinks about allocating capital, and it involves a forward-looking perspective over a long-term horizon. 

What does this mean in practice? MSCI’s ITR tool was created to answer that. It assesses the alignment of invested real economy companies with science-based pathways to net zero (for example, what the IPPC [Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change] implies in terms of global emissions reductions). It thus enables financial institutions to a) measure their portfolio ambition: what does it mean to be aligned with a net zero pathway? and b) track progress: how well is my portfolio doing against a forward-looking decarbonisation pathway? 

MSCI ESG Research’s ITR follows best practice, as indicated by the report from the Portfolio Alignment Team, commissioned by the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures [TCFD] and published in 2021.

Its forward-looking perspective is extremely important: companies that are serious about decarbonising need capital to do so. So, if an energy or steel company is high-emitting today – just because of the sector it operates in – but is credibly committed to developing a low-carbon model tomorrow, divesting from that company would not help the net-zero transition. Conversely, focusing a portfolio on services or tech companies because they are ‘clean’ today may not support transition efforts; smart capital allocation might.

What makes ITR particularly intuitive is that alignment is expressed as temperature. The logic here is to extrapolate the degree of alignment or misalignment with climate objectives of a company if the same degree of alignment or misalignment was applied to the whole economy. Given that climate goals are expressed in temperature terms, such as the Paris Agreement’s 2ºC and 1.5ºC objectives, users can easily relate the ITR to global climate objectives, and benchmark investments.

EF: What is the ITR temperature score based upon? 

EA: Alignment assessment is based on two main inputs. The first is the company’s current emissions, to which we add its projected emissions. If the company has decarbonisation targets, we can forecast its future emissions; if not, we assume a 1% emission growth rate per annum, reflecting average global emissions growth from 2009 to 2019. 

The second is the company’s carbon budget. This is derived from the global 2ºC budget trajectory, adapted to the company’s country and sector (some countries and sectors can decarbonise faster than others), and sized to the level of revenue of the company. This means that a small company doesn’t have to slash its emissions by the same absolute amount as a large company – just by the same proportion.

The question is then whether a company’s projected emissions overshoots its carbon budget, leading to an ITR greater than 2ºC, or undershoots, resulting in an ITR lower than 2ºC. 

EF: How can investors use the score?

EA: There are several use cases for ITRs. Right now, a particularly important one is disclosure, as regulatory pressure increases in this space. But investors can use ITRs to better inform their allocation of capital, construct portfolios and engage with companies. While ITR is not primarily a risk management tool, it can serve as one risk indicator among others – a more misaligned company is more likely to be affected by certain transition risks, such as carbon pricing.

EF: How does it align with growing regulatory focus on the issue? 

EA: As a forward-looking metric, ITR is ideally placed to help users seeking to meet the TCFD’s recommendation that all financial institutions disclose the alignment of their activities with a well-below 2ºC scenario. Users may have difficulties addressing this recommendation with backward-looking metrics: today’s carbon footprint in your investments could either increase or decrease in the coming years, depending on what the portfolio finances. For example, Exxon and Shell might have a similar carbon footprint today, but their plans to decarbonise are very different.

Several jurisdictions have put in place financial institution disclosure requirements involving forward-looking metrics. These include Article 29 of France’s Energy-Climate law for financial institutions; the UK Department for Work and Pensions regulations for pension funds; and Switzerland’s proposed TCFD-aligned framework for financial institutions. 

EF: The ITR assessment is primarily aimed at investors. How should companies understand and use the assessment?

EA: Given that financial institutions might use ITRs for capital allocation and company engagement, companies may expect that their investors will engage them on decarbonising in line with a net-zero future, for example by requesting that they set science-based targets. For about 3,000 companies, ITR scores can be found on the website of MSCI: decarbonisation shortcomings are plain to see.  Of course, ITR generally rewards transition leaders, who can expect “cooler” ITR scores (e.g., close to 1.5ºC) to shine a light on their performance.

In certain situations, some companies might be divested because they perform badly on ITR, as one metric among others showing that the company is not making the efforts required to align with the net-zero ambitions of the institutions that fund them.  

Edward Allen is managing director and head of ESG & climate client coverage for the Americas at MSCI.

For more information, see:

Guide entries by MSCI

Verification (Third Party)

Carbon Emissions Scope 3 footprint

Modern Slavery footprint

Species extinction-risk footprint


iSA, iS, impak Score™, SFDR+i

Rainforest Alliance & Conservation International

Mettle Capital ESG Risk platform

MIS Second Party Opinion


Seafood Database

Second Party Opinion

ESG Rating, Reporting and Advisory

Climate and environment data hub

Sustainability Copilot


Sanctify ESG

Asset-level Indicators

Asset-based Analytics

Asset-based Company Indicators – Essential and Advanced

Bloomberg Sustainable Finance Solutions

India ESG datasets [BRSR taxonomy available]

9fin ESG


CARBON IMPACT ANALYTICS (CIA) For climate transition risk

CDP 2022 GHG Raw Emissions Dataset

CDP 2022 Full GHG Modelled Emissions Dataset

CDP 2022 Risks and Opportunities Dataset

CDP 2022 Scores

CDP 2022 TCFD-Aligned Climate Change Dataset

CDP 2022 Temperature Ratings


Global Landscape of Climate Finance

ESG Portfolio Check

Sustainable Finance Ai Suite (ESG, EU Taxonomy, Supply Chain Risk)

ESG Lead


EF Data

Equileap Gender Equality Data

Ethical Screening Portal


Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index

ESG research, data and reporting solutions

Forests & Finance

Forest 500


Greenomy EU Taxonomy/SFDR/EET Solution

Corporate Ratings

ETF Fund Ratings

Issuer ESG and SDG Benchmarking

Municipal Bond Data and Ratings

US Retirement Plans, including 401(k) and 403(b)

Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool

CBF – Corporate Biodiversity Footprint

SB2A – Science-Based 2°C Alignment

Global Impact Database



ESG Impact Rating

Green Bond Transparency Platform (GBTP)


Corporate Governance Information Search

JPX ESG Indices

LGX DataHub

Climate Data by Moody’s

ESG Data by Moody’s

Nasdaq Sustainable Bond Network

Nasdaq ESG Data Hub

Nasdaq ESG Data Portal

Nasdaq ESG Footprint

Informe Anual OFISO

ESG Solutions

Resolution Database

Second Party Opinions

SDI Asset Owner Platform

ESG Disclosures and Sustainability Report Assurance

Second-Party Opinions on Sustainable Bonds and Loans

Supply Chain ESG Risk Platform

UN SDG Impact Assurance




Sustainable Fitch ESG Ratings

Geospatial ESG Solutions

Sovereign ESG Ratings


White Stag Investing Investment Research in Water, Oceans and Biodiversity


Forest Atlases

Global Forest Watch

Global Forest Watch Pro



Resource Watch

WRI Aqueduct

Carbon Footprinting and Science-based Targets Support

Second Party Opinion - Thematic Bonds and Loans & Impact Assessment

TCFD Advisory and Support

Carbon & Climate Data

Carbon Footprint Report

Climate Impact Report

Net Zero Solutions

Climate Scenario Analysis and Implied Temperature Score

Climate Physical Risk

Transition Risk

Climate Advisory Services

Potential Avoided Emissions Data

Energy & Extractives Screening

Norm-Based Research

Country Screening

Sector-Based Screening

Country Controversy Assessment

Director Data

Executive Compensation Analytics

Voting Analytics

Governance QualityScore

E&S Disclosure QualityScore

ESG Muni QualityScore

Carbon Risk Rating

ESG Corporate Rating

ESG Country Rating

SDG Solutions Assessment

SDG Impact Rating

ESG Fund Rating

Water Risk Rating

Biodiversity Impact Assessment Tool

ESG Index Solutions

EU Taxonomy Alignment Solution

SFDR Principle Adverse Impacts Solution

Regulatory Sustainable Investment Solution

ESG Portfolio Analysis

ESG Raw Data

Global Sanctions Screening

Responsible Investment Policy Development

EVA (Economic Value Added)

Climate Voting Policy

Custom Climate Voting Factors

Bespoke Research & Advisory Solutions

ESG Scorecard

Controversial Weapons Research

CIARA – Carbon Impact Analytics for Real Assets

CDP 2022 Forest Corporate Response Dataset

CDP 2022 Water Security Corporate Response Dataset

Net Zero Finance Tracker

Sustainable Economy Intelligence

ESG Ratings & Analysis

SDG Analysis

Net Zero Analysis

Fund Due Diligence and SDR Labelling Reports

Ethical Research

Sustainable Funds Portal


Coller FAIRR Climate Risk Tool

ESG Solutions

Fund EET Data

Fathom’s Product Stack


Trase Finance

Dependency scores

Climate Positive Impact

Positive Impact Biodiversity

Carbon Footprint

Empirical ESG and Impact Data

Real Asset Analysis

ESG Newsroom

Norm-Based Engagement

Thematic Engagement

ESG Custom Rating

Cyber Risk Score

European ESG Template Solution

Environmental & Social Raw Data

Sustainability Insights Suite

ESG Reporting Platform for VC

ESG Solutions by MSCI

Climate and Net-Zero Solutions by MSCI

Biodiversity Solutions by MSCI

Sustainability Solutions for Corporates and Advisors


Rating Watch




ESG GPS ratings

Data for Nature Insights

Fund EcoMarket

State Street Risk Analytics Platform

TSC Water Security Index

SDG Impact for Public Companies

Universal Impact

Climate Ready Farms

Energy Access Explorer


Ocean Watch

Water, Peace and Security - Global Early Warning Tool 

Global Water Watch

WRI Open Data Portal

Systems Change Lab

Open Timber Portal 

ESG Clarified

WWF Risk Filter Suite

ICE Climate Physical Risk Data

ICE Climate Transition Analytics Tool

ICE ESG Company Data

European ESG Template (EET) solution

ICE Emissions & Targets Data

ICE ESG Geo-Analyzer Tool

ICE Impact Bond Classification Service

SFDR Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) Data

Task-force for Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) Data

ICE UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Data – Municipal Bonds

News Aggregator/Controversies Monitoring Tool

ESG Research and Data Services


CDP 2022 Climate Change Corporate Response Dataset

Green Bond Database

Social and Sustainability Bond Database

DEEP Value©

Benchmark ESG Disclosure Dataset


Modern Slavery Scorecard

LSEG Sustainable Finance and Investment Solutions

imug rating ESG-Investments

Briink AI ESG Copilot

ESG Relevance Scores

Climate Wisdom by

ESG, Climate & Nature

Global Integrated Energy Model

Clean Energy Procurement Service

Corporate Emissions Solution

Intentionality and Stewardship Data (Wealth)

Climate Data for Companies and Funds

Second Party Opinions

Product Involvement and Impact Metrics for Companies and Funds

Low Carbon Transition Ratings

EU Action Plan Solutions

ESG Risk Ratings

Physical Climate Risk Metrics

FactSet's ESG Investing Solutions

Physical Risk Analytics

Clarity AI Sustainability Tech Kit

AssetWisdom™ by

BIODIVERSITY IMPACT ANALYTICS POWERED BY THE GLOBAL BIODIVERSITY SCORE™ (BIA-GBS) for the biodiversity impact and dependencies of companies

NEC metric “Net Environmental Contribution”