Solability - Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index - ESG country rating and analysis
Data category
- Environmental data
- Governance data
- Indices/Exchange data
- Rankings
- Ratings
- Social data
- Natural Capital; Intellectual Capital; Resource Intensity; Resource Efficiency
The data offers solutions for:
- Carbon footprinting
- Climate scenario analysis
- Environmental impact analysis and insight
- Investment decisions and portfolio insight
- Nature-based information
- Nature-based information: Biodiversity
- Nature-based information: Land use
- Nature-based information: Water
- Physical risk
- Reporting: Impact
- Reporting: UN SDGs
- Social impact analysis and insight
Who are the data users?
- Corporates
- Financial institutions
- Government
- Investors
Brief description of the data offering
Evaluating investment and operaional risks & opportunities in any given country based on country ESG performance and ESG rating. The risk evaluation is based on data series for all countries going back to the year 1980 across 6 dimensions, 36 clusters, and more than 200 indicators. The analysis process uses a mixture of human and artificial intelligence to identify correlations and trends.
Where and how do you source your data?
The Global Sustainable Competitiveness Index is based on data series collected by international organisations: various UN agencies, the World Bank, and the IMF.
What is the cost for your data offering?
Modular pricing based on number of users and customer background (lower fees for non-commercial research and academic institutions).