On May 12-13, the UK and Egypt called together countries in Copenhagen, for the May Ministerial Meeting on Implementation - to focus on climate action that delivers key commitments ahead of COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh in November. The Meeting focused on practical action needed to shift from negotiations to implementation ahead of COP27.
In the first jointly led event by the UK and Egypt as COP26 and COP27 Presidencies, the Meeting took stock of action and implementation across key elements of the Glasgow Climate Pact, Paris Agreement and other international climate agreements. During the meeting the key focus remained on keeping global temperatures from rising more than 1.5 degrees, at the same time cementing progress on finance for climate action, adaptation and loss and damage.
For the Global South, ministers considered action and support to address the loss and damage to communities on the frontline of climate change, considering early warning systems, emergency preparedness and disaster risk reduction, amongst others. Canada and Germany agreed to lead the progress update on delivery of the $100bn/year finance goal, which would aim to double collective adaptation finance to developing countries by 2025. However, what was noticeable by its absence from the agenda, despite support from Gabon and the Congo, was the inclusion of financing for protecting tropical rainforests.
With the new IPCC report last month calling for radical change in the climate finance needed to tackle our climate crisis, the increasing importance of nature-based solutions, and over a decade on success for the REDD+ mechanism in reducing emissions a gigaton scale, can COP27 afford to leave it off the agenda?