Ahren Lester

Articles by Ahren Lester

  • EIB targets €250m circular bioeconomy fund after €82m first close

    02 October 2020

    The European Investment Bank's (EIB) private equity-focused circular bioeconomy fund has raised €82 million ($96 million) at first close, with the fund targeted to raise around €250 million.

  • Science Based Targets initiative launches financial sector framework

    01 October 2020

    Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has launched its "breakthrough" pilot framework for financial institutions to set science-based climate targets, but campaigners were "disappointed" and "disturbed" by what they perceive to be shortcomings.

  • Moody's plugs more ESG data into flagship ratings and research platform

    01 October 2020

    Moody's has expanded its flagship CreditView platform to incorporate environmental, social and governance (ESG) data from Vigeo Eiris and Four Twenty Seven, in a broader push recognising the growing importance on ESG of assessing issuer risk.

  • Green and sustainability-linked loan round-up, 30 September: Equites and CLS

    30 September 2020
  • Credit Suisse ocean health impact fund raises $212m

    30 September 2020

    Credit Suisse has announced its impact fund addressing ocean health and engaging to create a sustainable blue economy has raised $212 million.

  • Nature Action 100 proposed by World Bank to mobilise biodiversity finance

    29 September 2020

    The World Bank has proposed five "big ideas" to drive growth in biodiversity financing, including development banks becoming cornerstone investors for biodiversity projects and investors creating a 'Nature Action 100' initiative similar to Climate Action 100+.

  • PRI ejects first five signatories for failing minimum standards

    29 September 2020

    The UN Principles for Responsible Investment (PRI) has for the first time booted out five signatories for failing to meet the minimum requirements, with a further 15 signatories at risk of being delisted in 2021.

  • Defining transition finance: how to be inclusive yet specific

    28 September 2020

    Transition finance has garnered a lot of attention, but the challenge of delineating what exactly it is remains unresolved. Three recent reports try to balance the need for the definition to be both broad enough to be inclusive, yet specific enough to protect the instruments from claims of greenwashing. Ahren Lester reports.

  • Biodiversity accounting initiative outlines initial guidelines

    25 September 2020

    A report endorsed by banks and asset managers has laid out a common approach to measuring positive impact on biodiversity.

  • 26 firms commit to biodiversity impact and disclosure pledge

    25 September 2020

    A pledge to set targets and reporting on biodiversity, and pressure world leaders to reverse nature loss has been signed by 26 financial firms managing over €3 trillion ($3.5 trillion) in assets, including Axa, HSBC Global Asset Management and Robeco.