Genevieve Redgrave

Articles by Genevieve Redgrave

  • Academics criticise SBTi's 'arbitrary and restrictive' approach

    26 July 2024

    The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has been criticised by a group of academics for taking a "prescriptive" approach to emissions reductions and carbon offsets.

  • Carbon offsetting fund proposed by Arup

    26 July 2024

    Sustainability consultancy Arup has called on the private sector to develop a carbon offsetting fund in the UK as an alternative to "concerning" offsetting practices.

  • Majority of companies not yet ready to follow CSRD or TNFD, says data provider

    26 July 2024

    Less than one-in-five companies are prepared to report under the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive or the Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), NatureMetrics has found.

  • High impact sectors 'on the way' to TNFD alignment, says First Sentier

    25 July 2024

    Sectors with a high impact on nature are "well on their way" to aligning disclosures with the recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), research by the First Sentier MUFG Sustainable Investment Institute has found.

  • EU Nature Restoration Law could grow ESG bond issuance, says Sustainable Fitch

    25 July 2024

    The EU's Nature Restoration Law (NRL) should help drive further issuance of ESG-labelled bonds, Sustainable Fitch has predicted.

  • Swiss Re launches 'first-of-its-kind' carbon credit insurance

    25 July 2024
  • Gender equality essential to nature, says Mirova

    24 July 2024

    Improving gender equality is necessary to address land degradation, French investor Mirova has said in its annual impact report for the $200 million Land Degradation Neutrality Fund, as it looks to expand the fund's social impact.

  • Guyana to lead biodiversity finance coalition

    24 July 2024
  • 'Concern' over Article 6.2 implementation, says IETA

    24 July 2024

    There is a growing level of "concern" from countries beginning to implement Article 6.2 deals that their approach could soon be superseded, according to the International Emissions Trading Association (IETA).

  • Difficult to strike the risk-reward balance on nature, says GenZero

    24 July 2024

    Investors still face difficulties finding nature investment opportunities that deliver an acceptable risk-reward balance, GenZero has said, as it called for more blended finance options.