Joshua Geer

Articles by Joshua Geer

  • Aviva moves to insure offshore wind projects

    17 January 2023
  • UK's net zero review will help 'unlock investment', says Aviva

    13 January 2023

    Recommendations to the UK government on steps it should take to meet net zero targets have been welcomed by investors for their potential to help 'unlock the investment required' for the energy transition.

  • WTW unveils US coral reef insurance policy

    22 November 2022
  • NZIA's underwriting emissions protocols open door to greenwashing

    10 November 2022

    The Net-Zero Insurance Alliance's (NZIA) protocols for decarbonising underwriting portfolios must include Scope 3 emissions targets, otherwise it could "open the door to greenwashing", said leading climate campaigner Peter Bosshard.

  • ESG will increasingly influence insurers' risk management strategies

    07 November 2022

    Lack of standardisation, regulatory pressure and greater physical risks all pose challenges, says Fitch

  • ICMIF launches insurance SDG calculator

    01 November 2022
  • Climate change ranked as top emerging risk in all regions

    24 October 2022

    Risk experts in all world regions have labelled climate change as their top concern, according to Axa's Future Risk Report 2022.

  • Aviva: UK must 'send clear policy signals' on transition plan consistency

    18 October 2022

    Ahead of the UK Transition Plan Taskforce (TPT) publishing its draft framework in early November, TPT co-chair Aviva has called on the UK government and regulators to set out clear and consistent guidelines for net-zero transition plans.