Paul Walsh

Articles by Paul Walsh

  • Geneva Association proposes framework for measuring social impact

    11 November 2022

    Think-tank addresses the under-reported "S" in ESG

  • Munich Re calls for more clarity on sustainable underwriting standards

    13 September 2022

    Internal and external standards required to embed sustainability into reinsurers' underwriting activities are not yet established and this is proving a concern for the sector, Munich Re's reinsurance CEO has warned.

  • Nature risks 'neglected' in insurer underwriting

    06 September 2022

    Nature-related risks are being neglected in the insurance sector's underwriting activities due to a lack of awareness and understanding, a report has said.

  • WTW acquires Butterwire to boost climate risk analytics

    12 July 2022
  • Munich Re joins WTW's expanded coral reef protection venture

    06 July 2022

    Willis Towers Watson (WTW) has expanded its endangered coral reef protection programme and appointed Munich Re as an additional insurance capacity provider.

  • Insurers behind the curve on climate resiliency

    17 May 2022

    Capgemini says only 8% surveyed insurers on course to achieve climate resiliency

  • Swiss Re: Lloyd's Lab entry will target private market ESG data issues

    29 April 2022

    Swiss Re has vowed to address insurers' problems with sourcing environmental, social and governance (ESG) data from private companies, via a venture that has gained entry into Lloyd's of London's insurtech accelerator programme.

  • Marine insurers back principles to decarbonise shipping

    17 December 2021

    Swiss Re and Scor are among the major players involved in the venture

  • Eiopa launches impact underwriting pilot study

    07 December 2021

    The European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority (Eiopa) has launched a pilot exercise on impact underwriting in a bid to "seek out best practices in offering climate resilience insurance products" and incentivise climate adaptation.

  • Environmentalists highlight shortfalls in Allianz's climate targets

    18 January 2021

    Calling on divestment from polluting companies and greater details on engagement strategy