Thomas Cox

Articles by Thomas Cox

  • TNFD responds to greenwashing criticism from NGOs

    13 June 2023

    The Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) has responded to claims from community groups its draft framework will facilitate "greenwashing".

  • TNFD pilot leads to calls for 'more guidance' on stress testing

    12 June 2023

    More guidance is needed on stress testing, financial institutions who took part in a pilot of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD) recommendations found.

  • Mexican central bank: Credit 'highly dependent' on nature

    09 June 2023

    An "important share" of the credit portfolio of banks in Mexico is "highly or very highly" dependent on nature, subjecting them to physical and transition risks, Banco de México said in a report.

  • IFC: Biodiversity finance 'leapfrogging' climate

    09 June 2023

    Biodiversity finance is progressing much faster than climate finance did, due to the tangibility of nature, an executive at the World Bank's private investment arm has said.

  • NatureAlpha: Nature to be 'mainstreamed' into investment decision making

    08 June 2023

    A "general mainstreaming" of nature into investment decision-making will be driven by rising awareness of biodiversity risks, data provider NatureAlpha has predicted.

  • Bond round-up: Mitsui Fudosan, real estate spotlight, Peru, Hong Kong ... and more

    07 June 2023
  • Fitch praises UAE green bond fee exemption

    07 June 2023

    The exemption for United Arab Emirates (UAE) issuers of some sustainable bonds from registration fees will support progress on sustainability in the region, ahead of the country's COP28 presidency, a Sustainable Fitch executive has said.

  • Earth Capital invests £2.5m in blue technology firm

    07 June 2023

    Impact investor Earth Capital has invested £2.5 million ($3 million) in aquaculture technology firm Ace Aquatec via its "co-investment syndicate", it told Environmental Finance.

  • Two thirds of UK pension funds say they have not invested in natural capital

    06 June 2023

    Almost two thirds (62%) of UK pension funds who responded to a survey are not invested in natural capital, research commissioned by asset manager Gresham House has said.

  • ShareAction: Three quarters of asset managers lack deforestation commitments

    06 June 2023