
  • Regulating ESG ratings: Mission impossible?

    02 February 2024

    As regulators around the world seek to define good practice for ESG raters, they are discovering the complexities of doing so, writes Michael Hurley

  • Comment: How to stay positive if you work in sustainable finance?

    01 February 2024

    As governments fail to act, hopes rest on the ingenuity of people and technological advances, writes Peter Cripps

  • Direct lending - the next frontier for SLLs?

    31 January 2024

    There could be more bilateral sustainability-linked loans, but Alcentra tells Ahren Lester that uncertainty over the structure and market fragmentation remain headwinds

  • Fiduciary duties — the frontline of the faultline

    29 January 2024

    A large part of the fate of the planet rests on this seemingly technical issue, writes Kieron Boyle

  • NBIM: 'The key improvement we would like to see is transparency'

    26 January 2024

    How should the ESG ratings market be regulated? Norges Bank Investment Management's Elisa Cencig fields questions from Environmental Finance.

  • Helping banks measure the carbon savings of energy efficiency projects

    25 January 2024

    The quality and tradability of energy saving assets depends on the quality of the measurement and verification process, writes Denis Tanguay

  • Austria: Greenium justified as there is 'no free lunch' for investors

    23 January 2024

    Up to 60 people work on Austria's green bond reporting, Markus Stix tells Ahren Lester

  • Key themes driving the ESG agenda in 2024

    22 January 2024

    Adaptation, transition, biodiversity and inequality are areas to watch this year, writes Mariella Rice-Jones

  • Energy's pivotal role in the transition to a regenerative economy

    19 January 2024

    By 2050, renewable electricity capacity will need to be twelve times larger than it was in 2020, writes Melanie Beyeler

  • TNFD's success depends on connected and contextual data

    18 January 2024

    Technological innovations will be key to ensuring 'early adopter' TNFD reporting companies provide useful nature-related information, James Phare argues