
  • The ISSB: turning to implementation

    16 November 2023

    The ISSB would consider creating a standard for SMEs if it would help them work with investors and other corporate clients, its vice-chair Jindong Hua reveals in a Q&A

  • Scope 4 emissions: opportunity or wrong turn?

    15 November 2023

    Companies should focus on reducing emissions - not complex calculations of avoided emissions, argues Geoffroy Marcassoli

  • Impact fund selection: weeding out 'window dressing'

    13 November 2023

    Impact-focused limited partners are using frameworks including the EU's SFDR to root out misleading claims of impact. Michael Hurley reports

  • Unlocking the potential of catalytic capital

    10 November 2023

    Catalytic capital can be transformative in supporting private investors to deploy capital at scale for a just transition to net zero, writes Kieron Boyle

  • EU Green Bonds: reducing the risk of greenwashing

    08 November 2023

    The EU's Green Bond Regulation will create an extra burden for issuers, but issues that comply will prove more attractive to investors, write Massimiliano Danusso and Francesca Marchetti

  • 'Transition is the new battleground'

    07 November 2023

    Following the launch of ASEAN transition finance guidance, Eugene Wong argues that the shift to net zero requires a local, rather than a global, approach. Ahren Lester reports

  • Calling for a revolution to resolve food's sustainability paradox

    06 November 2023

    Innovation and investment are needed to deliver more food production yet cut the industry's greenhouse gas emissions, argue Vincent Nobilet and Frédéric Dubois

  • Japan embraces impact investing in pursuit of a 'new form of capitalism'

    03 November 2023

    Prime minister Fumio Kishida is on a mission to harness impact investment to spur economic growth in Japan. How might it transform the market, asks Michael Hurley

  • Hidden in the shadows

    02 November 2023

    Investors can play a critical role in mitigating hidden human rights breaches in supply chains, writes Sairindri Christisabrina

  • The AI innovation transforming ESG

    01 November 2023

    Not all Artificial Intelligence can be relied on to produce meaningful sustainability analysis, writes Chandini Jain