
  • Between innovation and scale

    01 July 2007

    The water sector does not offer the paradigm-busting innovations beloved of venture capitalists, or the scale favoured by private equity investors. So new investment strategies are needed, says Christoph Lueneburger

  • Turning on the taps

    01 July 2007

    Despite the size of the world's water sector – and the scale of its investment needs – opportunities for exposure to the industry have been limited. But, as Charlotte Steel reports, a flood of new water funds is coming to market

  • Testing the limits of trade

    01 July 2007

    As climate change threatens to increase the variability and unpredictability of rainfall, Australia's experiences with water trading could be invaluable, says James Bentley

  • Adding up the numbers

    01 June 2007

    Matthew Arnold considers how sustainable banking has moved from a sideshow, to a risk management issue, to a major business opportunity – and looks at how Citigroup came up with its $50 billiion pledge

  • Circling the Equator

    01 June 2007

    Some banks appear to be dodging their commitment to the Equator Principles, says David Barnden – but it's proving ­difficult to hold them to account

  • The beginnings of a plan

    01 June 2007

    Canada's new emissions plan may be tougher on industry than many environmentalists claim. But more will clearly be required across all sectors of Canadian society, says John Drexhage

  • Cap and trade and more

    01 June 2007

    Pressure is building for a federal cap-and-trade scheme in the US to tackle greenhouse gas emissions. However, such a scheme is a necessary, but not sufficient, condition for ­addressing the climate challenge, say Michael Northrop and David Sassoon

  • A?question of credibility

    01 June 2007

    Asincere change of heart, or merely the latest cynical delaying tactic? Environmental NGOs are in little doubt: George Bush's apparent volte face on an international effort to tackle greenhouse gas emissions (see page 4) is, in the words of Friends of the Earth, a "charade". WWF argues that it "casts a long dark shadow over the G8 process".

  • California green

    01 June 2007

    A new investment approach by two of California's largest ­pension funds could have more environmental impact than if the US were to join the Kyoto Protocol, say Christopher Murphy and Jonathan Naimon

  • On the front line

    01 June 2007

    Entergy's customer base will be among the first to feel the effects of climate change, so the US utility is moving fast to limit its greenhouse gas emissions. Christopher Cundy reports