
  • The banks breeze in

    01 September 2007

    The dramatic growth in renewable energy generation is being increasingly financed by the capital markets. Jess McCabe reports on how investors and bankers are coming to love green energy

  • Paying up to cut emissions

    01 July 2007

    Investment in funds that buy greenhouse gas emission credits is soaring. Christopher Cundy asks managers where the money is coming from – and where it's going

  • Rocket to the moon?

    01 July 2007

    Carbon capture may be a shining hope for the low-carbon future. But opinion is divided on how best to incentivise ­industry to pilot it, or promote its widespread adoption. Jess McCabe reports

  • Taking the long view

    01 July 2007

    Pumping carbon dioxide underground for long-term storage raises some unique liability exposures. Matt Elkington considers how they could be managed

  • Water, water everywhere....

    01 July 2007

    With the UK having just endured the wettest June on record, concerns about the availability of water are not exactly at the forefront of peoples' minds here. But only last summer, the country was facing widespread water restrictions after the two driest winters for 40 years.

  • Broadening the agenda

    01 July 2007

    Environmental due diligence isn't just about contaminated land and regulatory compliance any more – investors need to consider a much broader agenda of environmental risks, says Simon Pringle

  • What the US?can learn from the CDM

    01 July 2007

    As US policy-makers, businesses and investors prepare for a federal US carbon market, they would do well to learn some of the lessons from the Clean Development Mechanism, says Patrick Traylor

  • A scheme with legs

    01 July 2007

    The EU Emissions Trading Scheme needs longer-term horizons, says Patrick Nollet, and governments and industry should also recognise that it is operating as two markets in one – and give it the two legs that it needs

  • Biofuels and the future

    01 July 2007

    In the space of 12 months, the biofuels industry has gone from climate saviour to environmental scapegoat. But it has a crucial – and sustainable – role to play in tackling climate change and energy insecurity, says Ron Oxburgh

  • The unlikely revolutionary

    01 July 2007

    Ray Pospisil talks to GE's Kevin Walsh – the man responsible for building one of the world's largest ­renewable energy investment portfolios