Sustainable Investment Awards 2023

ESG research of the year, Europe: Preqin

To overcome the challenge of data transparency in private markets, in 2022, Preqin developed a private encrypted data submission portal, allowing all firms in the alternative assets industry to submit their internal ESG documents and policies directly.

This supplements Preqin's ESG dataset which provides data at the firm-, fund- and asset-level.

Jaclyn BouchardThe London-based investment data company's research seeks to help limited partners (LPs) and general partners (GPs) in private equity meet their ESG commitments, assess risks, estimate positive impact, ensure regulatory alignment, and integrate ESG considerations into their entire investment process.

At the firm-level, its KPIs track over 43,000 GPs' and 17,000 LPs' ESG integration in their internal operations, investment practices, engagement, regulatory disclosures, and affiliations. For example, subscribers can now track GPs' Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) disclosures and related funds.

The firm also tracks various ESG-labelled funds' risk exposure and impact potential.

At the asset-level, Preqin tracks 157,000 private companies' carbon emissions, water intensity, employee volatility and turnover, impact potential, and risk exposure.

Using this dataset, Preqin produces dedicated ESG reports, articles, and webinars, including an annual ESG in Alternatives report, two Investor Survey reports, which delve into investors' views on and asset allocation in ESG, and a Women in Alternatives report.

One judge commended Preqin's "research capabilities in private markets".

In 2022, Preqiin's ESG Research Team expanded to include researchers in the Europe, Middle East and Africa, Asia-Pacific, and Americas regions.

Jaclyn Bouchard, head of ESG solutions & corporate responsibility at Preqin, commented: "At Preqin, we want to be the most trusted source of ESG data and insights used by every financial professional who invests in, allocates to or advises on alternatives. To achieve this, our trailblazing data solutions compel transparency and pave the way for our customers to integrate ESG into their workflows.

"We are delighted to have been named winners of the ESG research of the year, Europe category, as the research we produce brings together our market-leading ESG data, analytics, and insights."