ESG Data Guide 2023

How technology is changing the ESG data landscape

Environmental Finance: What limitations do you see from the market’s current reliance on company-reported ESG data? 

Eli Reisman: The most glaring limitation of company-reported ESG data is that the disclosures are made voluntarily by companies, allowing them to pick and choose which metrics to disclose. This leads to both a bias in the data and obstacles to truly comparing companies. Although this will improve as mandatory disclosure regulations like the EU’s Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive start to come into effect, these regulations are unlikely to solve all the ESG data gaps that currently exist.

The second limitation with such ESG data is that it is backward-looking by nature. Most companies don’t disclose their ESG data more than once a year. When they do disclose, it is usually after their financial year, meaning the data is already stale.  

EF: How is evolving regulation addressing these issues?

Eli ReismanEli Reisman: New ESG regulations are popping up all over the world which will establish a solid baseline of standardised ESG disclosure for certain metrics. This will allow firms to perform a cross-comparison of companies against similar metrics, particularly around carbon emissions.

However, the current set of proposed regulations will not bring us to a state where investors are satisfied with corporate ESG disclosure. As evidenced by International Financial Reporting Standards Foundation’s plan to consolidate key frameworks into one overarching corporate disclosure framework via the International Sustainable Standards Board [ISSB], investors are going to continue putting pressure on companies to disclose additional material information. In the future, it is likely that companies will comply with their local regulation and disclose to the ISSB as a voluntary next level of disclosure.

With the emergence of new regulations and a single consolidated corporate disclosure framework, we are likely to see a movement towards ESG data standardisation over the next five years. Although this is a positive trend for the ESG industry, investors are likely to need even more alternative ESG datasets that can give them an analytical edge.

EF: How is innovation enabling the acquisition of alternative ESG data?

Eli Reisman: The core of most ESG datasets continues to be company self-reported metrics, but there are several new technologies that are helping investors better assess a company’s ESG behaviour. For example, FactSet’s Truvalue Labs dataset uses natural language processing, machine-learning algorithms, and sentiment analysis to review hundreds of thousands of news articles and documents daily. Consumers are then able to identify when companies are being discussed in relation to sustainability issues and how positively or negatively they are behaving. FactSet’s Truvalue content set gives investors a real-time view of how companies are handling ESG issues; it also provides a differentiated perspective from a company’s self-disclosed information.

Over time, we are likely to see more ESG datasets that use alternative technologies (e.g., satellite data, artificial intelligence, or sensor data). These will to offer a different perspective on company ESG performance, which will go beyond what companies are saying about themselves.

EF: Most ESG disclosure to date has been by publicly listed companies. To what extent are you seeing demand from private companies? What are the challenges in accessing this information? 

Private company ESG data is certainly gaining significant interest. This is mainly being driven by private equity and venture capitalists wanting a better insight into their investments and fixed-income investors wanting better coverage for their investment universe. ESG disclosure by private companies is much sparser than for public companies, due to their smaller size and the fact that there is less pressure on them to provide data.

Truvalue’s technology allows consumers to score and track companies regardless of if they are disclosing ESG information. We've therefore decided to expand our coverage to more than 220,000 companies by August 2022, which will include 150,000+ private companies.

EF: To what extent is materiality of ESG indicators objective, and to what extent does it depend upon the perspectives of the stakeholders concerned?

Eli Reisman: Materiality is very much subjective and it is the source of a lot of current debate in the ESG world. The debate over single vs. double materiality will certainly shape the face of corporate reporting over the next few years. Although this debate is valid, it often misses the nuance that the line between single and double materiality can be fluid—an impact that a company is having on the environment or community can ultimately have financial repercussions.

Since Truvalue data tracks article flow for the 26 Sustainability Accounting Standards Board categories and 16 of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, FactSet can create a company-level score referred to as “Dynamic Materiality”. The score identifies what percentage of articles over a trailing twelve-month period is tagged to each category. Users can see which categories are the most talked about (i.e., relevant) at any point in time, to better identify which issues are important as well as which rise to their definition of what is ‘material’.   

For more information, see:

Guide entries by FactSet Research Systems Inc.

Verification (Third Party)

Carbon Emissions Scope 3 footprint

Modern Slavery footprint

Species extinction-risk footprint


iSA, iS, impak Score™, SFDR+i

Rainforest Alliance & Conservation International

Mettle Capital ESG Risk platform

MIS Second Party Opinion


Seafood Database

Second Party Opinion

ESG Rating, Reporting and Advisory

Climate and environment data hub

Sustainability Copilot


Sanctify ESG

Asset-level Indicators

Asset-based Analytics

Asset-based Company Indicators – Essential and Advanced

Bloomberg Sustainable Finance Solutions

India ESG datasets [BRSR taxonomy available]

9fin ESG


CARBON IMPACT ANALYTICS (CIA) For climate transition risk

CDP 2022 GHG Raw Emissions Dataset

CDP 2022 Full GHG Modelled Emissions Dataset

CDP 2022 Risks and Opportunities Dataset

CDP 2022 Scores

CDP 2022 TCFD-Aligned Climate Change Dataset

CDP 2022 Temperature Ratings


Global Landscape of Climate Finance

ESG Portfolio Check

Sustainable Finance Ai Suite (ESG, EU Taxonomy, Supply Chain Risk)

ESG Lead


EF Data

Equileap Gender Equality Data

Ethical Screening Portal


Coller FAIRR Protein Producer Index

ESG research, data and reporting solutions

Forests & Finance

Forest 500


Greenomy EU Taxonomy/SFDR/EET Solution

Corporate Ratings

ETF Fund Ratings

Issuer ESG and SDG Benchmarking

Municipal Bond Data and Ratings

US Retirement Plans, including 401(k) and 403(b)

Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool

CBF – Corporate Biodiversity Footprint

SB2A – Science-Based 2°C Alignment

Global Impact Database



ESG Impact Rating

Green Bond Transparency Platform (GBTP)


Corporate Governance Information Search

JPX ESG Indices

LGX DataHub

Climate Data by Moody’s

ESG Data by Moody’s

Nasdaq Sustainable Bond Network

Nasdaq ESG Data Hub

Nasdaq ESG Data Portal

Nasdaq ESG Footprint

Informe Anual OFISO

ESG Solutions

Resolution Database

Second Party Opinions

SDI Asset Owner Platform

ESG Disclosures and Sustainability Report Assurance

Second-Party Opinions on Sustainable Bonds and Loans

Supply Chain ESG Risk Platform

UN SDG Impact Assurance




Sustainable Fitch ESG Ratings

Geospatial ESG Solutions

Sovereign ESG Ratings


White Stag Investing Investment Research in Water, Oceans and Biodiversity


Forest Atlases

Global Forest Watch

Global Forest Watch Pro



Resource Watch

WRI Aqueduct

Carbon Footprinting and Science-based Targets Support

Second Party Opinion - Thematic Bonds and Loans & Impact Assessment

TCFD Advisory and Support

Carbon & Climate Data

Carbon Footprint Report

Climate Impact Report

Net Zero Solutions

Climate Scenario Analysis and Implied Temperature Score

Climate Physical Risk

Transition Risk

Climate Advisory Services

Potential Avoided Emissions Data

Energy & Extractives Screening

Norm-Based Research

Country Screening

Sector-Based Screening

Country Controversy Assessment

Director Data

Executive Compensation Analytics

Voting Analytics

Governance QualityScore

E&S Disclosure QualityScore

ESG Muni QualityScore

Carbon Risk Rating

ESG Corporate Rating

ESG Country Rating

SDG Solutions Assessment

SDG Impact Rating

ESG Fund Rating

Water Risk Rating

Biodiversity Impact Assessment Tool

ESG Index Solutions

EU Taxonomy Alignment Solution

SFDR Principle Adverse Impacts Solution

Regulatory Sustainable Investment Solution

ESG Portfolio Analysis

ESG Raw Data

Global Sanctions Screening

Responsible Investment Policy Development

EVA (Economic Value Added)

Climate Voting Policy

Custom Climate Voting Factors

Bespoke Research & Advisory Solutions

ESG Scorecard

Controversial Weapons Research

CIARA – Carbon Impact Analytics for Real Assets

CDP 2022 Forest Corporate Response Dataset

CDP 2022 Water Security Corporate Response Dataset

Net Zero Finance Tracker

Sustainable Economy Intelligence

ESG Ratings & Analysis

SDG Analysis

Net Zero Analysis

Fund Due Diligence and SDR Labelling Reports

Ethical Research

Sustainable Funds Portal


Coller FAIRR Climate Risk Tool

ESG Solutions

Fund EET Data

Fathom’s Product Stack


Trase Finance

Dependency scores

Climate Positive Impact

Positive Impact Biodiversity

Carbon Footprint

Empirical ESG and Impact Data

Real Asset Analysis

ESG Newsroom

Norm-Based Engagement

Thematic Engagement

ESG Custom Rating

Cyber Risk Score

European ESG Template Solution

Environmental & Social Raw Data

Sustainability Insights Suite

ESG Reporting Platform for VC

ESG Solutions by MSCI

Climate and Net-Zero Solutions by MSCI

Biodiversity Solutions by MSCI

Sustainability Solutions for Corporates and Advisors


Rating Watch




ESG GPS ratings

Data for Nature Insights

Fund EcoMarket

State Street Risk Analytics Platform

TSC Water Security Index

SDG Impact for Public Companies

Universal Impact

Climate Ready Farms

Energy Access Explorer


Ocean Watch

Water, Peace and Security - Global Early Warning Tool 

Global Water Watch

WRI Open Data Portal

Systems Change Lab

Open Timber Portal 

ESG Clarified

WWF Risk Filter Suite

ICE Climate Physical Risk Data

ICE Climate Transition Analytics Tool

ICE ESG Company Data

European ESG Template (EET) solution

ICE Emissions & Targets Data

ICE ESG Geo-Analyzer Tool

ICE Impact Bond Classification Service

SFDR Principal Adverse Impact (PAI) Data

Task-force for Climate-related Financial Disclosure (TCFD) Data

ICE UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Data – Municipal Bonds

News Aggregator/Controversies Monitoring Tool

ESG Research and Data Services


CDP 2022 Climate Change Corporate Response Dataset

Green Bond Database

Social and Sustainability Bond Database

DEEP Value©

Benchmark ESG Disclosure Dataset


Modern Slavery Scorecard

LSEG Sustainable Finance and Investment Solutions

imug rating ESG-Investments

Briink AI ESG Copilot

ESG Relevance Scores

Climate Wisdom by

ESG, Climate & Nature

Global Integrated Energy Model

Clean Energy Procurement Service

Corporate Emissions Solution

Intentionality and Stewardship Data (Wealth)

Climate Data for Companies and Funds

Second Party Opinions

Product Involvement and Impact Metrics for Companies and Funds

Low Carbon Transition Ratings

EU Action Plan Solutions

ESG Risk Ratings

Physical Climate Risk Metrics

FactSet's ESG Investing Solutions

Physical Risk Analytics

Clarity AI Sustainability Tech Kit

AssetWisdom™ by

BIODIVERSITY IMPACT ANALYTICS POWERED BY THE GLOBAL BIODIVERSITY SCORE™ (BIA-GBS) for the biodiversity impact and dependencies of companies

NEC metric “Net Environmental Contribution”