ESG Data Guide 2024

Luxembourg Stock Exchange - LGX DataHub

Data category

  • Environmental data
  • Sustainability-linked bonds; Green, social, sustainability;

The data offers solutions for:

  • Environmental impact analysis and insight
  • Investment decisions and portfolio insight
  • Reporting: EU Regulations
  • Reporting: Impact
  • Reporting: UN SDGs
  • Social impact analysis and insight
  • Nature-based information: Biodiversity
  • Nature-based information: Land use
  • Nature-based information: Water
  • Reporting: Other Regulations
  • Sustainable bond allocation; Impact; Key Performance Indicators; Sustainability Performance Targets

Who are the data users?

  • Financial institutions
  • Investors
  • Corporates
  • Asset Servicers; Management Companies

Brief description of the data offering

The LGX DataHub is a platform that displays all relevant information featured in the documentation of sustainable bonds (frameworks, external reviews, post-issuance reports…) in a centralized, structured, comparable and exportable tool.

The LGX DataHub offers a global coverage of sustainable bonds, along with the most granular and structured data in the market. At the pre-issuance stage, the platform includes detailed information on all four pillars of the ICMA GBP/SBP. At the post-issuance stage, it structures allocation and impact data by project category, by country and at bond level.

Users can either access the data through the online platform, which offers advanced analytics and research features, or receive the structured data via a data feed.

Where and how do you source your data?

New self-labelled sustainable bonds are identified through a variety of sources. To ensure the integrity of the LGX DataHub, LGX experts analyse and confirm the Green, Social, Sustainability or Sustainability-Linked attributes of every new issuance.

LGX gathers all the relevant documentation publicly available on the issuers’ websites and extracts data from these documents. New issuances are integrated in the LGX DataHub every two weeks, after all critical data points are controlled by the LGX.

A similar process is in place to ensure the most up-to-date post-issuance data. LGX monitors the publication of allocation and impact reports, and new post-issuance data is added to the platform on a monthly basis.

What is the cost for your data offering?

It depends on the type of license, usage and delivery.



Guide entries by Luxembourg Stock Exchange