Data category
- Environmental data
- Governance data
- Social data
- Rankings
- Real-time ESG and material risk momentum tracking and security derived from the campaigning activity of 10,000 NGOs across the world
The data offers solutions for:
- Environmental impact analysis and insight
- Investment decisions and portfolio insight
- Reporting: Impact
- Reporting: UN SDGs
- Social impact analysis and insight
- Climate scenario analysis
- Early signals of emerging ESG and material risks
Who are the data users?
- Corporates
- Financial institutions
- Investors
Brief description of the data offering
SIGWATCH provides a unique source of early warning intelligence on critical ESG and material risks for companies and sectors. Its quantitative and qualitative data captures the campaigning impact of several thousand of the world’s most influential NGOs and social impact groups on every industry sector, and over 19,000 corporates by name across all significant economies, since 2011. SIGWATCH data is used by multiple financial institutional investors and ESG aggregators as well as by dozens of leading global manufacturers and trading companies.
Where and how do you source your data?
For accuracy and timeliness, SIGWATCH data is derived almost entirely from primary sources, principally open-source campaigning messaging, publications and social media activity of NGOs and social impact groups in every major language.
What is the cost for your data offering?
From USD$30k per year, including daily live updates plus historic data back to 2011, delivered via FTP or API. Time-weighted four year aggregate NGO praise and criticism scores by corporate entity, broken down by ESG category and sub-issues and updated monthly, quarterly or half-yearly, are also available.