World Resources Institute - ClimateWatch
Data category
Environmental data
The data offers solutions for:
Climate scenario analysis
Brief description of the data offering
- Country Profiles, which provide an overview of countries’ climate actions, GHG emissions, vulnerability and much more.
- 150 years' worth of data on Greenhouse gas emissions, including all countries, sector and greenhouse gases.
- Comprehensive data on countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), Long-term strategies (LTS) and Net-Zero Targets.
- Comprehensive mapping of linkages between Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and associated targets of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
- Data and visuals of emissions scenario pathways for major emitting countries derived from a growing library of models.
- Sectoral profiles that offer a snapshot of climate progress, risks and vulnerabilities.
- Visualizations library, which gives users the ability to download data and create, save and share customized data visualizations through My Climate Watch.
Where and how do you source your data?
Data sources include WRI, UNFCCC, World Bank, Gratham Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, Global Carbon Project and more. Please see our citation and permissions page:
What is the cost for your data offering?
Climate Watch has an open data commitment and provides information for free.
Except as noted in our permissions page, data and visualizations on Climate Watch carry a Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license, which permits unrestricted reuse of Climate Watch content when proper attribution is provided. This means users are able to download, share and adapt the data, maps, graphics, charts, and other representations of the data for non-commercial or commercial uses.