ESG Data Guide 2024

ISS STOXX - Regulatory Sustainable Investment Solution

Data category

  • Environmental data
  • Governance data
  • Social data
  • Research data; Regulatory Sustainable Investment Solution

The data offers solutions for:

  • Environmental impact analysis and insight
  • Investment decisions and portfolio insight
  • Nature-based information: Biodiversity
  • Reporting: CSRD
  • Reporting: EU Regulations
  • Reporting: Impact
  • Reporting: SFDR
  • Social impact analysis and insight

Who are the data users?

  • Corporates
  • Financial institutions
  • Government
  • Investors
  • Trustees
  • Institutional investors; Asset managers; Asset owners; Fund managers; Banks; Universities; Research firms

Brief description of the data offering

ISS ESG recently launched the Regulatory Sustainable Investments Solution to assist clients in defining and quantifying sustainable investments. Investors can use ISS ESG data to support regulatory reporting and compliance.

Regulators globally are beginning to require market participants to provide higher levels of disclosure on their sustainable products and portfolios. This new solution supports the four common pillars that ISS ESG views as emerging within those regulations, which are as follows:

  • ESG Risks
  • Contribution to Environmental / Social objective
  • Adverse Impact and Do No Significant Harm
  • Good Governance

Where and how do you source your data?

ISS provides 11 newly derived datapoints specifically for the purpose of this solution, and approximately 50 additional datapoints drawn from a combination of proprietary ISS ESG solutions listed below:

  • Climate
  • SDGA and SDGIR
  • ESG Rating
  • Norms Based Research
  • Energy & Extractives
  • Sector Based Screening

The ISS ESG Regulatory Sustainable Investments Solution will continue to be developed over time, as further regulations emerge and are solidified.


What is the cost for your data offering?

Pricing is based on the method by which data is delivered.  ISS ESG can provide data via its proprietary platform, DataDesk, or via data feed. Pricing for this solution is available upon request.

What are the key attributes that differentiates the data you offer?

This newly created package will support clients in meeting common regulatory requirements that are emerging globally, whilst also taking into account specific nuances from many jurisdictions. The product will not only give clients the ability to select their chosen environmental or social characteristics, but also flexibility to choose their preferred way to address the requirements. These will include taking a Controversies or Risk based approach, analysing companies holistically or via a more granular revenue-based assessment, and the ability to select from a range of individual or combined adverse impacts / significant harm metrics.


Ready for new ESG regulations? Define & quantify your sustainable investments to fulfil reporting requirements and guidelines, globally, with @ISSESG’s Regulatory Sustainable Investments Solution. 

Learn more:

#ESG #ResponsibleInvesting
