ESG Data Guide 2024

FAIRR Initiative - Coller FAIRR Climate Risk Tool

The data offers solutions for:

  • Climate scenario analysis
  • Environmental impact analysis and insight
  • Investment decisions and portfolio insight
  • Reporting: CSRD
  • Reporting: TCFD
  • Reporting: UN SDGs
  • Temperature alignment
  • Transition plan assessments

Who are the data users?

  • Investors
  • Financial institutions

Brief description of the data offering

The FAIRR Initiative is an investor member network that provides expert research, data and tools to better assess risks and opportunities in the global protein supply chain. The Coller FAIRR Climate Risk Tool assesses the impact of climate-related risks on the costs and earnings of 40 of the world’s largest listed livestock companies. The results are provided for three scenarios – High Climate Impact (> 2 Degree), Business as Usual ( = 2 Degree), and Net Zero Aligned ( 1.5 Degree). The data is then linked with company-level data on exposure to physical and transition climate risks to examine the impact on profitability and costs for each company.

Where and how do you source your data?

We source our data using publicly available information, including (but not limited to) annual and sustainability reports, company websites and CDP disclosures. The scenarios are created using a proprietary integrated assessment model and are aligned to climate narratives, the RCPs (Representative Concentration Pathways), IPCC SSPs (Shared Socioeconomic Pathways) as well as NGFS (Network for Greening the Financial System) scenarios. By integrating macro-level information from an integrated assessment model with company-level information, it shows the financial implications for these companies in three possible scenarios in both 2030 and 2050. Our methodology is grounded in international and industry-specific standards.

What is the cost for your data offering?

We are a free-to-join network and our data offering is provided free as part of membership. Membership requests can be registered here
