ESG Data Guide 2024

Morningstar Sustainalytics - EU Action Plan Solutions

Data category

  • Environmental data
  • Social data
  • Research data

The data offers solutions for:

  • Environmental impact analysis and insight
  • Investment decisions and portfolio insight
  • Reporting: SFDR
  • Social impact analysis and insight
  • Norms-based screening

Who are the data users?

  • Investors
  • Financial institutions

Brief description of the data offering

Our EU Action Plan solutions offer insights on investment alignment with the definitions and requirements of the EU Sustainable Finance Action Plan.

EU SFDR PAIs covers 55 out of 57 of all corporate and sovereign indicators on 13,000 companies and 50,000 funds.

EU Taxonomy Solution includes company/fund data on 89 activities for the Climate Change Mitigation objective and 96 activities for the Climate Change Adaptation objective of the EU Taxonomy to help investors comply with the regulatory requirements, including MiFID II and IDD, and broader, non-regulatory use cases like product creation, portfolio monitoring, company screening, benchmarking and engagement.

SFDR Collected Attributes: Investments that are identified in a prospectus and annual report as Article 6/8/9 under EU SFDR.

European ESG Template: Enables assessment of data collected from the EET, a voluntary template developed by FinDatEx.

Where and how do you source your data?

EU SFDR PAIs: The data set has been created specifically to ensure compliance with the SFDR, with methodologies and calculations designed to match the regulation. Morningstar Sustainalytics has worked to identify a combination of data points that can be used to identify ‘sustainable investments.’

EU Taxonomy: Our EU Taxonomy Solution includes Taxonomy-specific data reported by companies and estimated eligibility and alignment assessments that are based on industry-leading estimation models. It has been constructed using our own cutting-edge Activity-Based Research (ABR), newly undertaken for this purpose, and leveraging our existing ESG expertise and product suite.

SFDR Collected Attributes: This data is collected from fund prospectuses and annual reports.

European ESG Template: Data collected from the EET.

What is the cost for your data offering?

Our pricing is based on the scope of data needed and tailored to each client’s specific use case. Contact us at to learn more.  

What are the key attributes that differentiates the data you offer?

Morningstar Sustainalytics is committed to helping clients successfully meet the EU Action Plan requirements through a suite of high-quality research solutions and capabilities.

EU SFDR PAIs are differentiated by:

  • Industry leading indicator coverage: with research on 55 of 57 of all corporate and sovereign indicators
  • Indicator methodology: Offers leading methodologies across the PAI indicators which have been developed by ESG research experts with over 18 years of experience in the field
  • Commitment to an Evolving Regulation: committed to keeping in step with the evolving regulation – E.g. implementing new indicators as required as part of future reviews of PAI indicators.
  • Transparency: provides full transparency of methodology, research processes and drivers of key results for regulatory use cases. E.g comprehensive PAI methodology doc, substantial underlying data in details file

 EU Taxonomy are differentiated by:

  • Coverage of all activities for the climate change mitigation and climate change adaptation objectives set out in the EU Taxonomy Climate Delegated Act
  • High Quality Methodology:
  • Data structure includes all key breakdowns required within SFDR annexes/templates
  • Estimation models based on dedicated activity-based research plus robust screen based on long standing research
  • Transparency:
    • Clients have full view of methodology, research processes and quality controls.
  • Ease of access: intuitive company reports with activity-level analyst write ups, integration across Sustainalytics, Morningstar and 3rd party platforms, variety of reporting solutions



Morningstar Sustainalytics is committed to helping clients successfully meet the EU Action Plan requirements through a suite of high-quality research solutions.



