Market insight

  • The wind in its sails

    The dramatic expansion of wind power is creating new demand for weather hedging and bringing new users to weatherXchange, says Speedwell co-CEO David Whitehead

  • Mirova: A natural approach to investment

    Mirova's Natural Capital Platform is looking to generate attractive returns and positive impact from investments in sustainable agriculture, fisheries and conservation. CEO Philippe Zaouati talks to Environmental Finance

  • Making an impact

    Triodos Investment Management, a fully owned subsidiary of Triodos Bank, has been investing to deliver social and environmental impact for almost four decades. Its chair, Jacco Minnaar, explains how the firm is continuing to raise the bar in a market that is rapidly adopting sustainability as a strategy.

  • Bringing biodiversity risk into focus

    Unanticipated biodiversity exposures can blow budgets, derail projects and shred corporate reputations. That's why a growing number of companies and financial institutions are turning to IBAT's authoritative global biodiversity datasets. Mark Nicholls reports

  • BNP: Growing in leaps and bounds

    Fresh from scooping several categories in the Green Bond Awards, BNP Paribas' Head of Sustainable Capital Markets Agnes Gourc looks ahead to the next stage of the market's growth.

  • Amundi: Building a global green bond market

    Last year, French asset management giant Amundi closed the world's largest green bond fund at $1.42 billion*; a year later, it's beating its performance metrics. Head of institutional and sovereign clients coverage Frederic Samama explains the secrets behind its success.

  • DKB goes from green to social

    With €77 billion in assets, DKB is one of Germany's top 20 banks, and a leading lender to local authorities and social infrastructure. Armin Hermann, head of treasury, explains the reasoning behind its Social Bond Programme and the bond that won Environmental Finance's 2019 Social Bond of the Year Award.

  • Making emissions reductions strategically important

    Finding ways to manage and reduce emissions has not been on the forefront of the agendas of European industrials and utilities in the past decades – but this is starting to change. James Atkins and Marc Falguera von Niessen at emissions trading specialist Vertis, reflect on the company’s 20 years in business

  • Building green warehouses - a new frontier for Asia

    Green warehouses – which use a variety of climate-friendly approaches to reduce energy use and waste – are set to play a very significant role in both the greening of Asia's building and also in green finance.

  • Bancolombia - using green buildings for green bonds

    Bancolombia, which is Colombia's largest commercial bank, decided to focus its efforts on green buildings above other areas that it also finances, such as clean production and agribusiness.