Market insight

  • The Emergence of European Nature-based Carbon Credit Markets

    European nature-based credit markets are young but growing. They present a unique opportunity for investors seeking exposure to high-quality credits underpinned by strong fundamentals.

  • Making the case for investment allocations to natural capital

    Institutional investors are under-exposed to the natural capital asset class, which offers diversification benefits, ESG upside and potential for outperformance, says Climate Asset Management's Ben O'Donnell.

  • The birth of a biodiversity offset market

    Dasos Habitat Foundation and Eurowind Energy have entered into a first-of-its-kind biodiversity offset transaction, to compensate for the residual impacts on nature that will be caused by a proposed Finnish wind farm. Tapani Pahkasalo explains the thinking behind the novel transaction.

  • What investors need to know about nature

    MSCI has just published its Investors' Guide to Nature and Biodiversity Risks and Impacts. Arne Philipp Klug and Sylvain Vanston explain what investors need to understand about nature and biodiversity risks and impacts.

  • Measuring the biodiversity footprint of a company or portfolio

    An overview of Iceberg Data Lab's Corporate Biodiversity Footprint measurement tool.

  • Biodiversity Equity - investing for life and the planet

    Environmental Finance speaks with Federated Hermes' Ingrid Kukuljan on the importance of investing in the companies that help mitigate biodiversity degradation at this crucial point in time.

  • A growing focus on biodiversity risk

    As nature loss rises up the agenda, investors are adopting increasingly sophisticated approaches to the issue. Reza Marvasti and Brian Colantropo from ISS ESG survey an evolving landscape.

  • Taking a data-driven approach to nature risk and opportunity

    Investors face a potential flood of nature-related data as efforts build to stem biodiversity loss. Bloomberg's Nadia Humphreys explains how they can begin to make sense of it.

  • White paper: Understanding Climate Impacts with Asset-Based Data

    Despite the rapid expansion of ESG data, financial institutions across the globe still struggle to obtain transparent and comparable climate data. This absence of high-quality data is a major hurdle to understanding climate risks and impacts within financial portfolios...

  • 2023 Global Climate Change Update

    ISS ESG, the sustainable investment arm of ISS STOXX, enables investors to develop and integrate sustainable investing policies and practices, engage on responsible investment issues, and monitor portfolio company practices through screening solutions.