
  • Academics criticise SBTi's 'arbitrary and restrictive' approach

    26 July 2024

    The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) has been criticised by a group of academics for taking a "prescriptive" approach to emissions reductions and carbon offsets.

  • People Moves, 26 July: Greenbank, Moody's LSEG, Cbus ... and more

    26 July 2024
  • Carbon offsetting fund proposed by Arup

    26 July 2024

    Sustainability consultancy Arup has called on the private sector to develop a carbon offsetting fund in the UK as an alternative to "concerning" offsetting practices.

  • Net Zero Asset Managers initiative observes rise of 'bespoke targets', as membership swells

    26 July 2024

    The Net Zero Asset Managers (NZAM) initiative has noted a rise in signatories setting decarbonisation targets using their own 'bespoke' methodologies, as the group swelled to 325 signatories representing about $57.5 trillion in assets under management.

  • Majority of companies not yet ready to follow CSRD or TNFD, says data provider

    26 July 2024

    Less than one-in-five companies are prepared to report under the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive or the Taskforce on Nature-Related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), NatureMetrics has found.

  • 'Next gen' EU GBS frameworks 'really need to go into the weeds,' says NatWest

    25 July 2024

    The "next generation" of green bonds incorporating the EU Green Bond Standard (EU GBS) requirements will demand "significant effort" from issuers that could slow the progress in developing frameworks and then issuing bonds under the landmark standard, according to NatWest.

  • GB Energy-Crown Estate partnership to channel billions into UK clean energy

    25 July 2024

    The UK government has announced a partnership between its newly launched state-owned energy company Great British Energy and the Crown Estate, which could unlock up to £60 billion ($77.2 billion) in private investment for clean energy.

  • High impact sectors 'on the way' to TNFD alignment, says First Sentier

    25 July 2024

    Sectors with a high impact on nature are "well on their way" to aligning disclosures with the recommendations of the Taskforce on Nature-related Financial Disclosures (TNFD), research by the First Sentier MUFG Sustainable Investment Institute has found.

  • EU Nature Restoration Law could grow ESG bond issuance, says Sustainable Fitch

    25 July 2024

    The EU's Nature Restoration Law (NRL) should help drive further issuance of ESG-labelled bonds, Sustainable Fitch has predicted.

  • Ditch SFDR definition of sustainable investments, replace Articles 8 & 9, ESMA suggests

    25 July 2024

    The EU should ditch the 'sustainable investment' definition in its Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation (SFDR) and introduce a two-tier categorisation system that would effectively replace the current SFDR Articles 8 and 9, an EU regulator recommends.