Historically, fixed income has lagged equities in terms of the application of sustainable investment practice. But this is changing. Growing investor demand from fixed income investors is being met with a growing range of analysis and investment solutions across the range of the asset class.
This webinar will look at the main trends and themes in the sustainable labelled bond market as well as considering how climate risk and innovation tools are driving a more granular understanding of how investors can approach sustainable investment strategies in fixed income.

Ahren Lester (Moderator)
Assistant editor Environmental Finance

Bram Bos
Global Head of Green, Social & Impact Bonds Goldman Sachs Asset Management

Lily Dai
Senior Research Lead, Green Economy ESG LSEG

Shrey Kohli
Head of Debt Capital Markets LSEG

Victoria Buscio
Lead Advisor of the Sovereign Debt Management Office (DMO) Ministry of Economy and Finance of Uruguay