
  • The importance of developing sustainability reporting standards for the public sector

    26 September 2023

    As the baseline for private sector sustainability reporting is finalized, the public sector has started to build on this to address its own specific needs, writes Ian Carruthers

  • Acciona: Impact in the sustainable bond market is very low

    25 September 2023

    Frustrated by the limited impact of sustainable bonds, the Spain-based conglomerate has published an additionality-focused framework it hopes will help transform the market. Ahren Lester reports

  • Real economy sustainable bonds: Spotlight on Romania

    20 September 2023

    Guy Richardson looks at the prospects for the sustainable debt issuance from the country's power, agribusiness, and transport sectors

  • Nature disclosures 'will become the norm'

    18 September 2023

    The final TNFD recommendations have been released, with a call for immediate adoption, writes Michael Hurley

  • S&P Shades of Green: Updated SPO offers more than just 'an extra shade'

    18 September 2023

    The financial research and analysis firm tells Ahren Lester its updated second-party opinion (SPO) methodology is more than just a marriage of the separate S&P and Shades of Green models

  • Will today prove a turning point for natural capital?

    15 September 2023

    What is the TNFD's final framework released on Monday expected to say, and will it mark an inflection point for embedding nature in finance, asks Genevieve Redgrave

  • The Tortoise and the Hare of sustainable investing

    14 September 2023

    The US is pulling ahead of the EU and UK because of its shorter-term climate fix of subsidies and tax credits, argues Max Griffin

  • Investing in nature at scale - can it be done?

    13 September 2023

    Andrew Dreaneen considers whether natural capital is the most exciting investment innovation of our time and how we can break down barriers to make it more investable.

  • The importance of a Just Transition

    12 September 2023

    If we're serious about achieving a net zero economy, we need to think in more rounded terms about people and planet, writes Kieron Boyle

  • Staying focused: sovereign climate assessment tool resists mission creep

    11 September 2023

    The ground-breaking ASCOR project refuses to allow the number of indicators to 'explode' out of control, as it strives to keep the tool practicable, LSE's Antonina Scheer tells Ahren Lester