
  • What is driving ESG investment in private markets?

    06 June 2024

    ESG has seen a shift from being a mere compliance consideration to driving value creation for private equity funds, writes Ambarish Srivastava

  • Renewables in Europe: time for good projects and patient capital

    05 June 2024

    Price cannibalization and the bottleneck in the approval of new projects rank as the two biggest hurdles to overcome in order to complete the European energy transition, writes Lucas de Haro

  • Regulating transition plans

    04 June 2024

    A patchwork of regulations will soon ask financial institutions to publish and implement climate transition plans, Michael Hurley reports

  • The complexities of applying the EU's CBAM to aluminium producers

    03 June 2024

    Emissions linked to electricity consumption in aluminium production are currently not included in the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism's calculations, writes Juliette de Valence

  • CSDDD - ambitious yet pragmatic

    31 May 2024

    The EU's CSDDD marks a clear inflection point for ESG, where companies move beyond pledges and act on sustainability, writes Alexandra Mihailescu Cichon

  • Index providers must account for ESG data quality to avoid under-serving investors

    30 May 2024

    There is a risk that green-labeled indices may overpromise and under-deliver without a commitment to data quality and transparency from their providers, writes Jonathan Gardiner

  • Barclays' Hanna: We need to agree rules of the road on transition

    29 May 2024

    Barclays sees defining transition finance and boosting funding for climate tech as key challenges, Daniel Hanna tells Peter Cripps

  • Plugging investors into the (micro) grid

    29 May 2024

    If rolled out at scale, microgrids would offer an opportunity for the UK to take a lead in the energy transition, writes Eduardo Monteiro

  • ESG compliance in 2024: what to expect

    27 May 2024

    Sustainability is not about ESG - it is about a fuller understanding of the value of an organisation and the communication of that value to stakeholders, writes Andromeda Wood

  • Impact valuations have 'come back down to Earth' after painful 2023, says M&G

    23 May 2024

    M&G's Positive Impact Fund's holdings were affected by rising costs and supply chain issues, Ben Constable-Maxwell tells Jennifer Forrest