
  • COP28: Clarity needed on biodiversity offsets, says TNC

    24 November 2023

    More clarity is needed from governments on how biodiversity credits and offsets could work alongside each other, The Nature Conservancy (TNC) has urged, ahead of the start of the latest international climate conference (COP28).

  • COP28: How Article 6 can leverage the voluntary carbon market

    24 November 2023

    As Article 6 policymakers design a new global carbon market, employing proven solutions will accelerate implementation, writes Xpansiv CEO John Melby

  • COP28 could unlock investment in carbon capture and storage, Actis says

    23 November 2023
  • COP28: 'MDBs need to commit to developing debt-for-nature swaps'

    21 November 2023

    At COP28, multilateral development banks (MDBs) need to commit to further developing the infrastructure of debt-for-nature swaps to help grow the market, The Nature Conservancy has said.

  • Progress on Article 6.4 ahead of COP28 bodes well for global carbon market

    21 November 2023

    Final recommendations on the rules of the UN's global carbon market have been agreed upon, as last-ditch talks reached a conclusion - just in time to be sent for final approval at COP28.

  • CISL: COP28 should explore how MDBs can unlock more private climate, nature financing

    14 November 2023
  • COP28 cannot 'succumb to doomism' on 1.5°C

    09 November 2023

    COP28 must not "succumb to doomism" on the 1.5°C target and risk losing much-needed ambition, Morningstar has warned.

  • Indonesia and Vietnam to launch JETP investment plans by COP28

    09 November 2023

    Ahead of COP28, Indonesia and Vietnam are set to launch investment plans for their Just Energy Transition Partnerships (JETP), which could also address the "early phase out" of coal plants.

  • Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank readies debut green sukuk ahead of COP28

    08 November 2023

    With COP28 looming, Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank (ADIB) has mandated five banks to market its debut US dollar-denominated green sukuk deal.

  • Technology-based solutions 'could bring credibility to the carbon market'

    07 November 2023

    Technology-based solutions could help bring more credibility to the voluntary carbon market, and play a pivotal role in the Article 6 mechanism expected to be thrashed out at COP28, a project developer has said.