
  • Bank of America: The decarbonisation task is 'overwhelming'

    05 November 2021

    The decarbonisation journey ahead is "quite overwhelming" for banks as the goal will require every client to be net zero, the Bank of America has said.

  • PRI: COP26 needs a signal from China

    05 November 2021

    The "most important thing" for COP26 to achieve is a signal from China of improved decarbonisation ambition, a Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI) executive has said.

  • Climate finance skewed against women, says World Bank advisor

    04 November 2021

    Gender-related criteria must not be seen as tokenistic for developing countries accessing climate finance, a World Bank executive has said.

  • COP26 round-up, 4 November: The end of coal 'in sight' following historic pledges

    04 November 2021

    23 countries made commitments to phase out coal power, including five of the world's top 20 coal power-using countries.

  • NGOs release the first 'Global oil & gas exit list'

    04 November 2021
  • WGBC launches sustainability report

    04 November 2021
  • COP26 round-up, 3 November: UK, South Africa and GFANZ

    03 November 2021
  • UK pledges to become 'world's first net-zero financial centre'

    03 November 2021
  • GFANZ reaches $130 trillion

    03 November 2021
  • 70% of net-zero funding could come from private investors

    03 November 2021